Intersect Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative and Machine Intelligence Research Institute

Table of contents

Common people

Person Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Andrew Critch President & Founder (2020-09-01–); Board chair (2017-02-01–); Executive Director (2017-02-012020-08-01) General Advisor (2018-04-012018-05-01); Research Fellow (on leave) (2017-03-012018-01-01); Research Fellow (2015-09-012017-10-28)
Jaan Tallinn Board advisor (2017-10-03–) General Advisor (2015-07-012018-05-01); General Advisor (2019-04-012023-08-30)
Malo Bourgon Board advisor (2017-02-01–) Remote contractor (2012-01-012012-11-01); Project Manager (2012-11-012014-06-01); Program Management Analyst (2014-06-012016-03-04); Chief Operating Officer (2016-03-242023-05-01); Chief Executive Officer (2023-06-01–)
Stuart Russell Board advisor (2020-01-01–) Research Advisor (2015-07-012018-05-28); Spotlighted Advisor (2018-09-10–)
Jeremy Schlatter Software Engineer (2017-11-012019-04-01) Software Engineer (2017-06-012017-11-01)

Organization documents (1 document)

Title Publication date Author Publisher Affected organizations Affected people Document scope Cause area Notes
Comment on After one year of applying for EA jobs: It is really, really hard to get hired by an EA organisation 2019-02-27 Aaron Gertler Effective Altruism Forum Centre for Effective Altruism, Open Philanthropy, Machine Intelligence Research Institute, Ought, Vox, AI Impacts, Center for Human-Compatible AI, Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative Job application experience Various Gertler describes his experience applying to various effective altruism-related organizations.