AI Watch

Welcome! This is a website to track people and organizations in the AI safety/alignment/AI existential risk communities. A position or organization being on AI Watch does not indicate an assessment that that position or organization is actually making AI safer or that the position or organization is good for the world in any way. It is mostly a sociological indication that the position or organization is associated with these communities, as well as an indication that the position or organization claims to be working on AI safety or alignment. (There are some plans to eventually introduce such assessments on AI Watch, but for now there are none.) See the code repository for the source code and data of this website.

This website is developed by Issa Rice with data contributions from Sebastian Sanchez, Amana Rice, and Vipul Naik, and has been partially funded by Vipul Naik and Mati Roy (who in July 2023 paid for the time Issa had spent answering people’s questions about AI Watch up until that point).

If you like (or want to like) this website and have money: the current funder is mostly only funding data updates to existing organizations as well as adding data for some new effective altruist organizations. As a result, the site is not getting any new features or improvements in design. If you want to bring this site to the next level, contact Issa at What you get: site improvements, recognition in the site credits. What the site needs: money.

If you have time and want experience building websites: this website is looking for contributors. If you want to help out, contact Issa at What you get: little or no pay (this could change if the site gets funding; see previous paragraph), recognition in the site credits, privilege of working with me, knowledge of the basics of web development (MySQL, PHP, Git). What the site needs: data collection/entry and website code improvements.

Last updated on 2024-06-16; see here for a full list of recent changes.

Table of contents


Agenda name Associated people Associated organizations
Iterated amplification Paul Christiano, Buck Shlegeris, Dario Amodei OpenAI
Embedded agency Eliezer Yudkowsky, Scott Garrabrant, Abram Demski Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Comprehensive AI services Eric Drexler Future of Humanity Institute
Ambitious value learning Stuart Armstrong Future of Humanity Institute
Factored cognition Andreas Stuhlmüller Ought
Recursive reward modeling Jan Leike, David Krueger, Tom Everitt, Miljan Martic, Vishal Maini, Shane Legg Google DeepMind
Debate Paul Christiano OpenAI
Interpretability Christopher Olah
Inverse reinforcement learning
Preference learning
Cooperative inverse reinforcement learning
Imitation learning
Alignment for advanced machine learning systems Jessica Taylor, Eliezer Yudkowsky, Patrick LaVictoire, Andrew Critch Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Learning-theoretic AI alignment Vanessa Kosoy
Counterfactual reasoning Jacob Steinhardt

AI safety relation by subject

Note: as shown by the large number of “unknown” values, most of the positions haven’t been categorized by relation/subject so this table will only be useful in the future.

Subject UnknownAGI organizationGCR organizationpositionunrelated Total
Unknown 8139 452 60 276 1 8928
background 1 0 0 24 0 25
general 0 0 2 43 0 45
policy 0 0 0 1 0 1
popularization 0 0 0 2 0 2
software engineering 0 2 0 8 0 10
strategy 0 0 0 1 0 1
technical research 9 2 3 34 1 49
Total 8149 456 65 389 2 9061

Positions summary by year

Note: as shown by the large number of “unknown” values, most of the positions haven’t been categorized by start/end dates so this table will only be useful in the future.

Year Start date End date
Unknown 1109 6172
1986 1 0
1993 1 0
1997 3 0
1999 2 1
2000 5 0
2001 5 0
2002 62 1
2003 15 1
2004 32 4
2005 60 5
2006 38 13
2007 48 4
2008 75 7
2009 129 16
2010 174 41
2011 212 53
2012 163 74
2013 192 90
2014 257 63
2015 359 150
2016 627 218
2017 689 273
2018 841 388
2019 872 316
2020 876 308
2021 931 310
2022 717 315
2023 534 210
2024 32 28

Positions grouped by person

Showing 199 people with positions.

Name Number of organizations List of organizations
Paul Christiano 10 AI Impacts, Alignment Research Center, Future of Humanity Institute, Machine Intelligence Research Institute, Open Philanthropy, OpenAI, Ought, Redwood Research, Theiss Research, University of California, Berkeley
Nick Bostrom 7 Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, Future of Humanity Institute, Future of Life Institute, Google DeepMind, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, Machine Intelligence Research Institute, University of Oxford
Stuart Russell 7 Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative, Center for Human-Compatible AI, Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, Future of Life Institute, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, Machine Intelligence Research Institute, University of California, Berkeley
Andrew Critch 6 Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative, Center for Applied Rationality, Center for Human-Compatible AI, Encultured AI, Machine Intelligence Research Institute, University of California, Berkeley
Dario Amodei 5 Anthropic, Cooperative AI Foundation, Google Brain, Open Philanthropy, OpenAI
Kyle Scott 5 Alignment Research Center, Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative, Center for Applied Rationality, Future of Humanity Institute, Palisade Research
Ryan Carey 5 Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, Future of Humanity Institute, Machine Intelligence Research Institute, OpenAI, Ought
Seán Ó hÉigeartaigh 5 Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative, Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, Future of Humanity Institute, Global Catastrophic Risk Institute, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence
Allan Dafoe 4 Cooperative AI Foundation, Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford, Yale University
Bas R. Steunebrink 4 IDSIA, NNAISENSE, SUPSI, Università della Svizzera italiana
Heather Roff 4 Arizona State University, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, New America Foundation, University of Oxford
Jaan Tallinn 4 Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative, Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, Future of Life Institute, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Jan Leike 4 Australian National University, Future of Humanity Institute, Google DeepMind, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Matthijs Maas 4 Global Catastrophic Risk Institute, Global Politics of Artificial Intelligence Research Group at Yale University and University of Oxford, Hague Centre for Strategic Studies, University of Copenhagen
Miles Brundage 4 Arizona State University, Future of Humanity Institute, General AI Challenge, OpenAI
Roman Yampolskiy 4 General AI Challenge, Global Catastrophic Risk Institute, Machine Intelligence Research Institute, University of Louisville
Seth Baum 4 Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, Global Catastrophic Risk Institute, Machine Intelligence Research Institute, Social & Environmental Entrepreneurs
Adrian Weller 3 Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, University of Cambridge
Alison Gopnik 3 Center for Human-Compatible AI, Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence
Andrew Snyder-Beattie 3 Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative, Future of Humanity Institute, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence
Bart Selman 3 Center for Human-Compatible AI, Cornell University, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Ben Weinstein-Raun 3 Machine Intelligence Research Institute, Ought, Redwood Research
Benjamin Mann 3 Anthropic, Machine Intelligence Research Institute, OpenAI
Daniel Dewey 3 Future of Humanity Institute, Future of Life Institute, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Daniela Amodei 3 Anthropic, Epoch, OpenAI
Elon Musk 3 Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, Future of Life Institute, OpenAI
Eric Rogstad 3 Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative, Center for Applied Rationality, Lightcone Infrastructure
Francesca Rossi 3 Future of Life Institute, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, University of Padova
Gillian Hadfield 3 Center for Human-Compatible AI, Cooperative AI Foundation, OpenAI
Girish Sastry 3 Future of Humanity Institute, OpenAI, Ought
Helen Toner 3 Center for Security and Emerging Technology, Future of Humanity Institute, OpenAI
Huw Price 3 Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, University of Cambridge
Jack Clark 3 Anthropic, Center for Security and Emerging Technology, OpenAI
Jacob Steinhardt 3 Center for Human-Compatible AI, Open Philanthropy, Stanford University
Janos Kramar 3 Future of Life Institute, Machine Intelligence Research Institute, University of Montreal
Jeremy Schlatter 3 Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative, Machine Intelligence Research Institute, OpenAI
Johannes Treutlein 3 Center for Human-Compatible AI, Centre for Effective Altruism, Effective Altruism Foundation
José Hernández-Orallo 3 General AI Challenge, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, University of Cambridge
Jürgen Schmidhuber 3 IDSIA, SUPSI, Università della Svizzera italiana
Kaj Sotala 3 Foundational Research Institute, Lightcone Infrastructure, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Katja Grace 3 AI Impacts, Future of Humanity Institute, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Laurent Orseau 3 AgroParisTech, Google DeepMind, INRA
Malo Bourgon 3 Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative, Machine Intelligence Research Institute, Redwood Research
Mark Ring 3 IDSIA, SUPSI, Università della Svizzera italiana
Martin Rees 3 Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, Future of Life Institute, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence
Matthew Graves 3 Center for Applied Rationality, Lightcone Infrastructure, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Max Tegmark 3 Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, Future of Life Institute, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Michael Cohen 3 Center for Human-Compatible AI, Future of Humanity Institute, The Australian National University
Oliver Habryka 3 Center for Applied Rationality, Lightcone Infrastructure, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Owain Evans 3 Future of Humanity Institute, Ought, University of Oxford
Patrick LaVictoire 3 Machine Intelligence Research Institute, Quixey, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Peter Barnett 3 Center for Human-Compatible AI, Machine Intelligence Research Institute, Nonlinear Fund
Pieter Abbeel 3 Center for Human-Compatible AI, OpenAI, University of California, Berkeley
Qiaochu Yuan 3 Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative, Center for Applied Rationality, University of California, Berkeley
Ramana Kumar 3 Data61, Machine Intelligence Research Institute, University of Cambridge
Robin Hanson 3 Future of Humanity Institute, George Mason University, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Scott Emmons 3 Center for AI Safety, Center for Human-Compatible AI, Fund for Alignment Research
Tom Brown 3 Anthropic, Google Brain, OpenAI
Tom McGrath 3 AI Safety Camp, Future of Humanity Institute, Ought
Victoria Krakovna 3 Future of Life Institute, Google DeepMind, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Yang Liu 3 Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, OpenAI, University of Cambridge
Adam Gleave 2 Center for Human-Compatible AI, Fund for Alignment Research
Adam Scholl 2 Center for Applied Rationality, Global Catastrophic Risk Institute
Ales Flidr 2 Centre for Effective Altruism, Future of Life Institute
Alex Tamkin 2 Anthropic, Stanford University
Alex Zhu 2 Machine Intelligence Research Institute, Nonlinear Fund
Alexey Potapov 2 AIDEUS, ITMO University
Amanda Askell 2 Anthropic, OpenAI
Amrit Sidhu-Brar 2 Cooperative AI Foundation, Effective Altruism Foundation
Anca Dragan 2 Center for Human-Compatible AI, University of California, Berkeley
Andreas Stuhlmüller 2 Ought, Stanford University
Anna Salamon 2 Center for Applied Rationality, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Ben Goertzel 2 CogPrime, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Ben Goldhaber 2 Center for Applied Rationality, Ought
Benya Fallenstein 2 Machine Intelligence Research Institute, University of Bristol
Beth Barnes 2 Center for Human-Compatible AI, Centre for the Study of Existential Risk
Blake Borgeson 2 Machine Intelligence Research Institute, Redwood Research
Brandon Perry 2 AI Safety Camp, Center for Human-Compatible AI
Brian Tomasik 2 Effective Altruism Foundation, Foundational Research Institute
Buck Shlegeris 2 Machine Intelligence Research Institute, Redwood Research
Carl Shulman 2 Future of Humanity Institute, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Carla Zoe Cremer 2 Future of Humanity Institute, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence
Carrick Flynn 2 Center for Security and Emerging Technology, Future of Humanity Institute
Catherine Olsson 2 Anthropic, OpenAI
Charlie Rogers-Smith 2 Palisade Research, University of Oxford
Chris Maddison 2 Google DeepMind, University of Oxford
Christine Peterson 2 Foresight Institute, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Christopher Cundy 2 Center for Human-Compatible AI, Future of Humanity Institute
Christopher Olah 2 Google Brain, OpenAI
Connor Flexman 2 AI Impacts, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Dan Hendrycks 2 Center for AI Safety, University of California, Berkeley
Daniel Filan 2 Center for Human-Compatible AI, Future of Humanity Institute
Daniel Kokotajlo 2 AI Impacts, Effective Altruism Foundation
Daniel Ziegler 2 OpenAI, Redwood Research
Danny Hernandez 2 Anthropic, OpenAI
David Abel 2 Brown University, Future of Humanity Institute
David Kristoffersson 2 AI Safety Camp, Future of Humanity Institute
David Krueger 2 Center for Human-Compatible AI, Future of Humanity Institute
David Lindner 2 AI Safety Camp, Center for Human-Compatible AI
David Manheim 2 Association for Long Term Existence and Resilience, Future of Humanity Institute
Demis Hassabis 2 Google DeepMind, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence
Dmitrii Krasheninnikov 2 Center for Human-Compatible AI, University of Amsterdam
Dorsa Sadigh 2 Center for Human-Compatible AI, Stanford University
Durk Kingma 2 Google DeepMind, OpenAI
Dylan Hadfield-Menell 2 Center for Human-Compatible AI, University of California, Berkeley
Elizabeth Barnes 2 Alignment Research Center, Center for Human-Compatible AI
Ethan Perez 2 Fund for Alignment Research, New York University
Gina Stuessy 2 Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative, Center for Applied Rationality
Gwern Branwen 2 Center for Applied Rationality, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Haydn Belfield 2 Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence
Holden Karnofsky 2 OpenAI, Redwood Research
Ian Goodfellow 2 Google DeepMind, OpenAI
Ian McKenzie 2 Fund for Alignment Research, Ought
Jacob Hilton 2 Alignment Research Center, OpenAI
Jacob Lagerros 2 Future of Humanity Institute, Lightcone Infrastructure
Jakob Foerster 2 Center for Human-Compatible AI, OpenAI
James Miller 2 Machine Intelligence Research Institute, Smith College
James Paul Gonzales 2 Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative, Center for Human-Compatible AI
Jeffrey Ladish 2 Anthropic, Palisade Research
Jelena Luketina 2 Aalto University, Université de Montréal
Jesse Clifton 2 Cooperative AI Foundation, Effective Altruism Foundation
Jesse Galef 2 Future of Life Institute, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Jesse Liptrap 2 Center for Applied Rationality, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Jia Yuan Loke 2 Anthropic, Effective Altruism Foundation
Jimmy Rintjema 2 AI Impacts, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Joar Skalse 2 Future of Humanity Institute, Oxford University
Johannes Heidecke 2 AI Safety Camp, Road to AI Safety Excellence
John Salvatier 2 AI Impacts, Future of Humanity Institute
Jon Gauthier 2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, OpenAI
Joseph Halpern 2 Center for Human-Compatible AI, Cornell University
Josh Jacobson 2 Alignment Research Center, Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative
Joshua Fox 2 Association for Long Term Existence and Resilience, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Joshua Gans 2 National Bureau of Economic Research, University of Toronto
Julia Galef 2 Center for Applied Rationality, OpenAI
Jun Shern Chan 2 Center for AI Safety, Fund for Alignment Research
Justin Shovelain 2 Convergence Analysis, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Kenzi Amodei 2 Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative, Center for Applied Rationality
Kristinn R. Thórisson 2 Center for Analysis & Design of Intelligent Agents, Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines
Lawrence Chan 2 Alignment Research Center, Center for Human-Compatible AI
Lewis Hammond 2 Cooperative AI Foundation, Future of Humanity Institute
Linda Linsefors 2 AI Safety Camp, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Long Ouyang 2 OpenAI, Theiss Research
Lukas Gloor 2 Effective Altruism Foundation, Foundational Research Institute
Marcello Herreshoff 2 Google, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Marek Havrda 2 General AI Challenge, GoodAI
Marek Rosa 2 General AI Challenge, GoodAI
Margaret Boden 2 Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence
Martina Kunz 2 Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence
Max Daniel 2 Effective Altruism Foundation, Foundational Research Institute
Melody Guan 2 Future of Life Institute, Google Brain
Michael Blume 2 Center for Applied Rationality, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Michael Keenan 2 Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative, Center for Applied Rationality
Michael Page 2 Center for Security and Emerging Technology, OpenAI
Michael Wellman 2 Center for Human-Compatible AI, University of Michigan
Mihaly Barasz 2 Machine Intelligence Research Institute, Nilcons
Mrinank Sharma 2 Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford
Murray Shanahan 2 Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence
Neal Jean 2 Future of Humanity Institute, Ought
Neel Nanda 2 Anthropic, Center for Human-Compatible AI
Nisan Stiennon 2 Center for Human-Compatible AI, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Olga Afanasjeva 2 General AI Challenge, GoodAI
Owen Cotton-Barratt 2 Centre for Effective Altruism, Redwood Research
Ozzie Gooen 2 Convergence Analysis, Ought
Randall C. O’Reilly 2 eCortex, University of Colorado Boulder
Rebecca Raible 2 Anthropic, Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative
Remco Zwetsloot 2 Center for Security and Emerging Technology, OpenAI
Remmelt Ellen 2 AI Safety Camp, Road to AI Safety Excellence
Reuben Stern 2 Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Richard Ngo 2 OpenAI, University of Cambridge
Robert Miles 2 Nonlinear Fund, Road to AI Safety Excellence
Robert Mushkatblat 2 Lightcone Infrastructure, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Roger Grosse 2 Future of Humanity Institute, University of Toronto
Rosie Campbell 2 Center for Human-Compatible AI, OpenAI
Roxanne Heston 2 Center for Security and Emerging Technology, Future of Humanity Institute
Sam Clarke 2 Future of Humanity Institute, The Future Society
Sam McCandlish 2 Anthropic, OpenAI
Sergey Rodionov 2 AIDEUS, Aix-Marseille University
Smitha Milli 2 Center for Human-Compatible AI, University of California, Berkeley
Sören Mindermann 2 Center for Human-Compatible AI, Future of Humanity Institute
Stanislav Fort 2 Google DeepMind, Stanford University
Stephanie Zolayvar 2 AI Impacts, Center for Applied Rationality
Stephen Hawking 2 Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, Future of Life Institute
Steve Omohundro 2 Machine Intelligence Research Institute, Self-Aware Systems
Steven Umbrello 2 Global Catastrophic Risk Institute, Institute of Ethics and Emerging Technologies
Stuart Armstrong 2 Future of Humanity Institute, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Tamay Besiroglu 2 Epoch , Future of Humanity Institute
Tao Lin 2 Alignment Research Center, Redwood Research
Thomas Woodside 2 Center for AI Safety, Center for Security and Emerging Technology
Timothy Telleen-Lawton 2 Anthropic, Center for Applied Rationality
Tobias Baumann 2 Foundational Research Institute, University College London
Tom Everitt 2 Australian National University, Google DeepMind
Tomasz Korbak 2 Anthropic, Fund for Alignment Research
Tsvi Benson-Tilsen 2 Center for Applied Rationality, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Vanessa Kosoy 2 Association for Long Term Existence and Resilience, Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Vincent Conitzer 2 Cooperative AI Foundation, Duke University
Will Grathwohl 2 Google DeepMind, OpenAI
Will Millership 2 General AI Challenge, GoodAI
Will Sawin 2 Institute for Theoretical Studies at ETH Zurich, Princeton University
Zac Kenton 2 Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms, Ought

Positions grouped by organization

Showing 155 organizations.

Organization Number of people List of people
OpenAI 363 Yasuyoshi Sakamoto, Evan Weiss, Shuyuan Zhang, Mada Aflak, Laura W., Weiyi Zheng, Uğurcan Türkdoğan, Stewart Hall, Siyuan Fu, Ollie Jaffe, Amber Yore, Kleanthes K., John Rizzo, Tiffany C., Thomas Dimson, Francis Z., Enoch Cheung, Pedram Keyani, Wei An Lee, Ilan Bigio, CJ Minott, Ofir Nachum, Allan J., Will Saborio, Erica T., Eric Rynerson, David Carr, Daniel Kappler, Anton Tananaev, Srinivas Narayanan, Andrei Alexandru, Tina Miranda, Hisham Elhaddad, Brydon Eastman, Ali Kamali, Justin B., David Medina, David Hengky, Tianhao Zheng, Michelle Pokrass, Adam Perelman, Jan Hendrik Kirchner, Hossem Ben Ayed, Cory Decareaux, Mati Roy, Yaniv Markovski, Vishal Kuo, Steven Bills, Akila Welihinda, Jessica Shieh, Eugene Wu, Chester Cho, Adam Nace, Tatiana Zolotova, Sully Chen, Ryan Peterson, Oleg Mürk, Bogo Giertler , Karl Whitford Pollard, Joanne Jang, Zarina Stanik, Chaitra A., Arun Vijayvergiya, Juston Forte, Rob Mallery, Dave Willner, Preston Tuggle, Austin Wiseman, Atqiya Abida Anjum, Angela Jiang, Adam Goldberg, Giambattista Parascandolo, Davit Khachatryan, Rajeev Nayak, Matthew Gentzel, Lama Ahmad, Sarah Shoker, Richard Ngo, Carroll Wainwright, Anna Makanju, Vitchyr Pong, Victor Benito Garcia Rocha, Elie Georges, Angie Luo, Vlad Ursu, Isabel Alves de Lima, Stefanie Biaggi, Rosie Campbell, Lukasz Kaiser, Lisa Dethridge, Johannes H., Sarthak Agrawal, Jason Kwon, Emanuele Marchiori, Radhika Mathur, Kyle Kosic, Tabarak Khan, Natalie Summers, Jesse Han, Ishant Singh, Hannah Wong, Nicolas Norberto Corizzo, Bob Rotsted, Zack Kass, Evan Morikawa, Sinith T., Shawn Jain, Che Chang, Jonathan Gordon, Steven Adler, Lucas Negritto, Tarun Gogineni, Maddie Simens, Tyna Eloundou, Phuong Vu, Philippe Tillet, Bram Adams, Adam Rhodes, Julián Santoro, Theresa Lopez, Fotios Chantzis, Dave Cummings, Mo Bavarian, Joel Lehman, Denny Jin, Raul Puri, Joost Huizinga, Red A., Emy Parparita, Kelly Sims, Tim Yanchen Wang, Arvind Neelakantan, Jeff Clune, Tom Rubin, Fraser Kelton, Rachel Lim, Jian O., Jacquelyn Lau, Roger Xu Jiang, Aris Konstantinidis, Tao Xu, Gretchen M. Krueger, Girish Sastry, Stanislas Polu, Cullen O"Keefe, Mario Saltarelli, Benjamin Mann, Luke Miller, Ife Riamah, Frances Choi, Long Ouyang, Richard Dunn, Peter Hoeschele, Jerry Tworek, Yi Wu, Ilge Akkaya, Nikolas Tezak, Mor Katz, Alex Paino, Karson Elmgren, Jonathan Michaux, Yuhao Wan, Janet Brown, Fatma Tarlaci, Elynn Chen, Edgar Barraza, Danny Hernandez, Christina Hendrickson, Maxim Sokolov, Nancy Otero, Bianca Martin, Ben Chess, Katie Mayer, Tom Brown, Qiming Yuan, Mateusz Litwin, Janine Korovesis, Clemens Winter, Amanda Askell, Jacob Hilton, Todor Markov, Ian Atha, Daniela Amodei, Mikhail Pavlov, Lei Zhang, Justin Wang, Jacob Jackson, Taehoon Kim, Sue Yoon, Christopher Olah, Maddie Hall, Jeffrey Wu, Ingmar Kanitscheider, Gillian Hadfield, Brad Lightcap, Miles Brundage, Michał Staniszewski, Arthur Petron, Matt Mochary, Johannes Otterbach, Yilun Du, Xingyou (Richard) Song, Ifu Aniemeka, Holly Grimm, Hannah Davis, Ethan Knight, Sophia Arakelyan, Christine McLeavey Payne, Nadja Rhodes, Munashe Shumba, Mira Murati, Karl Cobbe, Joshua Meier, Will Grathwohl, Hanjun Dai, Susan Zhang, Suchir Balaji, Erin Grant, Sam McCandlish, Sadhika Malladi, Daniel Ziegler, Michael Petrov, Aravind Srinivas, Louis Cheong, Adam D’Angelo, Henrique Ponde de Oliveira Pinto, Thomas Anthony, Peter Zhokhov, Aleksandar Botev, Eric Sigler, Elena Chatziathanasiadou, Diane Yoon, Rewon Child, Manuel Sherbakoff, Maran Nelson, Julia Galef, Glenn Powell, Ryan Carey, Parnian Barekatain, Lilian Weng, Kevin Wong, Kaleo Hao, Tasha McCauley, David Farhi, Remco Zwetsloot, Christy Dennison, Ashley C. Pilipiszyn, Mathew Shrwed, Adam Smets, David Luan, Maciej Chociej, Jonathan Raiman, Jonathan Ward, Phillip Isola, Nikhil Mishra, Bowen Baker, Alex Nichol, Larissa Schiavo, Karthik Narasimhan, Yuping Luo, Geoffrey Irving, Joshua Achiam, Jiaming Song, Yuhuai Wu, Jakob Foerster, Christos Louizos, Cathy Wu, Oleg Klimov, Brooke Chan, AlShaun Baksh, Aditya Grover, Jason Peng, Yang Liu, Xue Bin Peng, Trapit Bansal, Han Zhang, Dustin Tran, Maruan Al-Shedivat, Lerrel Pinto, Kevin Frans, David Lansky, Quirin Fischer, Christopher Hesse, Matthias Plappert, Art Chaidarun, Jean Harb, Rein Houthooft, Christopher Berner, Jakub Pachocki, Ryan Lowe, Aleks Kamko, Yaroslav Bulatov, Jonathan Ho, Tim Shi, Erika Reinhardt, Shariq Hashme, Richard Chen, Danielle Buma, Peter Welinder, Bob McGrew, Michael Page, Jeremy Schlatter, Taco Cohen, Szymon Sidor, Jonathan Hernandez, Jack Clark, Harri Edwards, Desmond Henderson, Rachel Fong, Marie La, Louise Cabansay, Josh Tobin, Tambet Matiisen, Marika Allely, Ludwig Pettersson, Igor Mordatch, Filip Wolski, Catherine Olsson, Zain Shah, Scott Gray, Dario Amodei, Craig Quiter, Jon Gauthier, Tyler Neylon, Rafał Józefowicz, Pieter Abbeel, Linxi Fan, Kate Miltenberger, Jie Tang, Paul Christiano, Marcin Andrychowicz, Peter Chen, Jim Fan, Tim Salimans, Prafulla Dhariwal, Shivon Zilis, Jonas Schneider, Jeff Arnold, Yuri Burda, Eric Price, Alec Radford, Ian Goodfellow, Chris Clark, Rocky Duan, Trevor Blackwell, Ilya Sutskever, Bradly Stadie, Andrej Karpathy, John Schulman, Wojciech Zaremba, Elon Musk, Sam Altman, Reid Hoffman, Vicki Cheung, Greg Brockman, Durk Kingma, Matt Krisiloff, Jonathan Gray, Lucy Qin, Javier Gai, Holden Karnofsky, Helen Toner, Anish Athalye
Machine Intelligence Research Institute 185 Jimmy Rintjema, Protyay Shyam Chowdhury, Lisa Thiergart, Jeremy Gillen, Gretta Duleba, Peter Barnett, Vivek Hebbar, Jason Gross, Blake Jones, James Payor, Edward Kmett, Victoria Krakovna, Carson Jones, Alex Zhu, Alex Mennen, Alex Appel, Linda Linsefors, Evan Hubinger, David Simmons, Daniel Demski, Ben Weinstein-Raun, Andrew Critch, Buck Shlegeris, Nick Tarleton, Blake Borgeson, Kurt Brown, Jesse Liptrap, Sam Eisenstat, Benjamin Mann, Jeremy Schlatter, Jan Leike, Matthew Graves, Ryan Carey, Aaron Silverbook, Connor Flexman, Colm Ó Riain, Gary Drescher, Robin Hanson, Kaya Stechly, Andrew Lapinski-Barker, Stuart Russell, Ramana Kumar, Jack Gallagher, Jaan Tallinn, Bart Selman, Vanessa Kosoy, Abram Demski, Stuart Armstrong, Nate Thomas, Scott Garrabrant, Luke Muehlhauser, Jessica Taylor, Jed McCaleb, Jake Moskowitz, Jesse Galef, Tsvi Benson-Tilsen, Matthew Fallshaw, Nicolas Gagné, Elizabeth Morningstar, Antonius Lourenço Kasbergen, Lila Rieber, Vipul Naik, Nate Soares, Daniel Lewis, Rob Bensinger, Richard Neal, Robert Mushkatblat, Dávid Natingga, Seth Baum, Roman Yampolskiy, Randal Koene, Nathan Clark, Moshe Looks, Kaj Sotala, James Miller, Sebastian Nickel, Evan Erickson, Oliver Habryka, Alex Altair, Vladimir Nesov, Steve Rayhawk, Paul Christiano, Patrick LaVictoire, Nisan Stiennon, Mihaly Barasz, Joshua Fox, Jeremy Miller, Bill Hibbard, Benya Fallenstein, Anja Heinisch, Stephen Barnes, Louie Helm, Ioven Fables, Patrick Robotham, Daniel Roth, Pedro Chaves, Topher Brennan, Liron Shapira, Carl Shulman, Nickolai Leschov, Jonathan Wang, Cameron Taylor, Alex Vermeer, Tomer Kagan, Pejman Makhfi, Malo Bourgon, Kevin Fischer, Jake Miller, Gwern Branwen, Erica Edelman, Robert V. Brazell, Lincoln Quirk, Will Newsome, Nevin Freeman, Minda Myers, Keefe Roedersheimer, Diego Caleiro, Peter Scheyer, Peter de Blanc, Jasen Murray, Abraham Wolk, Thomas Colthurst, Stanislas Sochacki, Luke Grecki, Daniel Dewey, Janos Kramar, Dennis Fan, Ben Hoskin, Ben Goertzel, Tim Czech, Robert Zahra, Jason Levin, Frank Adamek, Aruna Vassar, Amy Willey, Max Tegmark, Henrik Jonsson, Harrison Willey, Edwin Evans, Anna Salamon, Zack M. Davis, Michael Blume, Kemal Eren, Michael Vassar, Andrew Rettek, Vincent Fagot, Thomas McCabe, Steven Kaas, Roko Mijic, Katja Grace, Justin Shovelain, Andriy Brodskyy, Andrew Hay, Bryan Bishop, Alyssa Vance, Peter Cheeseman, Susan Fonseca-Klein, David Hart, C. Colby Thomson, Jonas Lamis, Steve Omohundro, Allison Taguchi, Bruce Klein, Tyler Emerson, Neil Jacobstein, Brian Atkins, Barney Pell, Carolyn L. Burke, Marcello Herreshoff, Peter Thiel, Rick Schwall, Jeff Medina, Emil Gilliam, Ray Kurzweil, Nick Bostrom, Christine Peterson, Aubrey de Grey, Michael Roy Ames, Jeff Alexander, Michael Wilson, Michael Anissimov, Christian Rovner, Michael Raimondi, Sabine Atkins, Eliezer Yudkowsky
Anthropic 170 Joel Lewenstein, Nina Rimsky, Eilona Maitski, Diego Iaconelli, Coyote Codornices Marin, Chris O'Connell, Chinsin Sim, Adam Pearce, Adam Dix, Sally Aldous, Rob Greenlee, Ranell Nakayama, Rae Phillips, Patrick Ekeruo, Nicola Lau, Nicholas Marwell, Meg Tong, Mark S., Laila Rafi, Julian Williams, Jonathan Marcus, Joel Pobar, Graham Jackson, Elaine C., Connor Holloway, Christopher Chalek, Ashley Zlatinov, Akila S., Vinay Rao, Tomasz Korbak, Rishi Gupta, Kyle Turman, Kei Nishimura, JB Boin, Jamie Neuwirth, Isabel Larrow, Isaac Dunn, Hunar Batra, Dana Malman Warren, Carrie Bentley, Brian Delahunty, Alfred Mountfield, Vu Bui, Stephen Jung, Sasha de Marigny, Kate Jensen, Daniel Rosenthal, Brett Andrus, Brendan Collins, Amir Kashanchi, Elena L., Dianne Na Penn, Anton Paquin, Zack Witten, Shawn Owen, Nicholas Turner, Natalie Esperance, Marisa Gobby, Gautham Raj, Everett Katigbak, Alex Tamkin, Tony H., Tanya Singh, Samantha Wong, Rachit Agarwal, Laura Colley, Julia Schmaltz, Josiah Burke, Jihong Kim, Jennifer Pisansky, Evan Frondorf, Emmanuel Ameisen, Dan Dascalescu, Aaron Begg, Zubair Jandali, Ryan Seunghwan Kim, Ruhua Jiang, Pujaa Rajan, Paul-Frederik Schubert, Jason Clinton, Cassandra Evraets, Benoit Steiner, Avital Balwit, Robert Baden, Nathan Bailey, Joshua Batson, Jenan Wise, Ansh Radhakrishnan, Angie Lal, Sandy Banerjee, Ryan Soklaski, Nikhil Bhargava, Keri Warr, Julieann Choi, Janel Thamkul, Frances Pye, Esin Durmus, Elizabeth Edwards-Appell, Diana Jung, David Hwang, Ben Kuhn, Alex S., Adam Jermyn, Yifan Wu, Thompson Paine, Marina Favaro, Linh-Chi T., Justin Spahr-Summers, Gyula Lakatos, Ethan Forrest, Devi Borg, Brayden McLean, Amanda (Lipson) Kelley, Alex Silverstein, Vlad G., Ethan Langevin, Autumn Russell, Peter Lofgren, James Sully, Oliver Rausch, Mike Lambert, Matt Bell, Karina Nguyen, Hongbin Chen, Brian Israel, Neerav Kingsland, Landon Goldberg, Deep Ganguli, Noemí Mercado, Miranda Zhang, Da Yan, Sam Bowman, Nicholas Schiefer, Guro Khundadze, Scott Johnston, Thomas Liao, Shauna Kravec, Saurav Kadavath, Rebecca Raible, Dustin Li, Bryan Seethor, Tom Conerly, Neel Nanda, Jackson Kernion, Jia Yuan Loke, Andy Jones, Liane Lovitt, Jeffrey Ladish, Timothy Telleen-Lawton, Dawn Drain, Anna Chen, Yuntao Bai, Nelson Elhage, Kamal Ndousse, Catherine Olsson, Amanda Askell, Dario Amodei, Danny Hernandez, Benjamin Mann, Tom Brown, Sam McCandlish, Nicholas Joseph, Jared Kaplan, Jack Clark, Daniela Amodei, Tom Henighan, Nova DasSarma, Moumita Das, Chris Olah, Zac Hatfield-Dodds
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 170 Thomas Woodside, Matthew Burtell, Brendan Oliss , Lauren Kahn, Lawrence Hailes, Jenny Jun, John VerWey, Sam Bresnick , Mia Hoffmann, Cole McFaul, Brian Love, Carolina Pachón, Andrea Guerrero, Josh Goldstein, Neha Singh, Hanna Dohmen, Steph Batalis, Katherine Quinn, Vikram Venkatram, Kathleen Curlee, Christian Schoeberl, Donna Artusy, Beba Cibralic, Avonelle Davis, Aurora Johnson, Ashwin Acharya, Anna Puglisi, Amy Chao, Alan Loera, Aditi Joshi, Tina Huang, Thuy Nguyen, Tarun Chhabra, Tantum Collins, Sue Gordon, Stephanie O"Sullivan, Schuyler Moore, Santiago Mutis, Roxanne Heston, Robert Cardillo, Remco Zwetsloot, Rafay Ur Rehman Khan, Olivia Albrighton-Vanway, Michael Sulmeyer, Michael Page, Lorand Laskai, John Bansemer, Jeff Ding, Jacob Strieb, Eri Phinisee, Emelia Probasco, Emefa Addo Agawu, Elsa Kania, Darrin Gladman, Daniel Cebul, Dalila Scott, Dakota Foster, Dakota Cary, Collins Nji, Claire Perkins, Cindy Martinez, Christopher Back, Christine McNeill, Carrick Flynn, Ronnie Kinoshita, Nii Simmonds, Kevin Wolf, Heather Frase, Walter Haydock, Mina Narayanan, Shuvo Bardhan, Jessica Ji, Owen Daniels, Laissa A., Ella Kay, Caroline Schuerger, Sara Abdulla, Lisa Oguike, Luke Koslosky, Jack Corrigan, Channing Lee, Kyle Miller, Heeu Millie Kim, Adrienne Thompson, Kayla Goode, Eish Sumra, Ali Crawford, Abelardo Cruz Osorio, Shelton Fitch, Maya Gros, Ingrid Dickinson, Alex Friedland, Alan Omar Loera Martinez, Melissa Deng, Mary Hill Brooks, Lizbeth Lucero, J. Guillermo Mendoza Bazán, Filippo Fagnoni, Will Hunt, Piyush Mishra, Oneeb Ul Haq Khan, Gustavo Mauricio Bastien Olvera, Sean Kucer, George Klein, Diana Gehlhaus Carew, Darius Diamond, Ashton Garriott, Andrew Lohn, Andreas Greiler-Basaldúa, Alex Barker, Simon Godfrey Rodriguez, Raveena Kshatriya, Max Langenkamp, Jasmine Ding, Christina Ismailos, Chris Rohlf, Bryce Farabaugh, Zuleirys Santana-Rodriguez, Katerina Sedova, Farid Nemri, Rebecca Gelles, Jacob Feldgoise, Wyatt Hoffman, Autumn Toney, Micah Musser, Emily Weinstein, Ngor Luong, Matthew Daniels, Yiming Y., Nicolina Demakos, Emily Xue, Reginald Brothers, Alexandra Vreeman, Wenchuan Dong, Charlie Wang, Jack Clark, Melissa Flagg, Jack Lucas, Daniel Hague, Margarita Konaev, Igor Mikolic-Torreira, Catherine Aiken, Alexander M., Jonathan Murdick, Jennifer Melot, Huey-Meei Chang, Andrew Imbrie, Tim G. J. Rudner, Saif M. Khan, Saif Khan, Ryan Fedasiuk, Ilya Rahkovsky, Husanjot Chahal, Dahlia Peterson, Ben Murphy, Rebecca Kagan, Lynne Weil, Jamie Baker, Daniel Chou, Ben Buchanan, William Hannas, Benjamin Chang, Zachary Arnold, James Dunham, Peggy Evans, Tim Hwang, Tessa Baker, Jason Matheny, Helen Toner, Dewey Murdick
Center for Human-Compatible AI 122 Brandie Nonnecke, Henry Papadatos, Michael Cohen, Khanh Nguyen, Dale Reed, Ben Plaut, Bhaskar Mishra, Cameron Allen, Alexandra Souly, Tu (Alina) Trinh, Sana Pandey, Tiffany Wang, Jacy Reese Anthis, Brian Judge, Olivia Watkins, Niklas Lauffer, David Krueger, Leonie Richter, Nisan Stiennon, George Matheos, Shreyas Kapur, George Obaido, Erdem Biyik, Alexander Turner, Peter Barnett, Anand Siththaranjan, Yuxi Liu, Scott Emmons, Justin Svegliato, Ruairidh McLennan Battleday, Kimin Lee, James Paul Gonzales, Arnaud Fickinger, Wesley Holliday, Neel Nanda, Toni Lorente, Paria Rashidinejad, Julia Kerley, Jonathan Stray, Rafael Albert, Tom Lenaerts, Micah Carroll, Jakob Foerster, Cassidy Laidlaw, Alyssa Li Dayan, Noor Brody, Neel Alex, Meir Friedenberg, Matthew Rahtz, Johannes Treutlein, Jessy Lin, Harry Giles, Eric Michaud, Cynthia Chen, Charlotte Roman, Alex Gunning, Stephen Casper, Sören Mindermann, Sergei Volodin, Pedro Freire, Moritz Hardt, Christopher Cundy, Pulkit Verma, Brian Christian, Nika Haghtalab, Lawrence Chan, Rediet Abebe, David Lindner, Rachel Freedman, Jacob Steinhardt, Martin Fukui, Jess Reidel, Shlomi Hod, Sam Toyer, Caroline Jeanmaire, Vincent Corruble, Niko Kolodny, Rohin Shah, Brandon Perry, Michael Littman, Juliana Schroeder, Gillian Hadfield, Smitha Milli, Monica Gates, Marion Fourcade, Lara Buchak, Ken Goldberg, John Zysman, Dylan Hadfield-Menell, Demian Pouzo, Dawn Song, Daniel Filan, Charis Thompson, Alison Gopnik, Dan Hendryks, Cody Wild, Steven Wang, Rosie Campbell, Mariano Florentino Cuéllar, Tania Lombrozo, Siddharth Srivastava, Adam Gleave, Beth Barnes, Elizabeth Barnes, Dmitrii Krasheninnikov, Mark Nitzberg, Andrew Critch, Karthika Mohan, Michael Wellman, Joseph Halpern, Bart Selman, Anca Dragan, Tom Griffiths, Stuart Russell, Satinder Singh Baveja, Pieter Abbeel, Michael Dennis, Vael Gates, Thanard Kurutach, Thomas Krendl Gilbert, Jaime Fernandez Fisac, Dorsa Sadigh
Google DeepMind 91 Stanislav Fort, Ruiqi Gao, Aditya Srikanth Veerubhotla, Yonghui Wu, Shixiang Shane Gu, Gargi Balasubramaniam, Nithya Attaluri, Thibault Sellam, Rohan Anil, Rishabh Joshi, Pierre Sermanet, Isabel Leal, Anushka Nijhawan, Abhishek Rao, Sergio Guadarrama, Roopali (Paali) V., Raphael Hoffmann, Been Kim, Azade Nova, Piyush Patil, Nidhi Vyas, Wilfried L. Bounsi, Sebastian Riedel, João Gabriel Lopes, Dmitry Nikulin, Sholto Douglas, Grace Lam, Kavya Kopparapu, Arthur Douillard, Shreya Pathak, Mehdi Jafarnia, Yousuf Khan, Paige Bailey, Krishna Haridasan, Ian Goodfellow, Blanca Huergo, Pratik Joshi, Daniel Sohn, Sridhar Thiagarajan, Ruizhe Zhao, Will Grathwohl, Yayi Zou, Shubham Agrawal, Hamze M., David Stutz, Yuzhu Dong, Sho Arora, Keerthana Gopalakrishnan, Sylvestre Rebuffi, Jennifer She, Ira Ktena, Praneet Dutta, Pauline (Luc) Luc, Behnam Neyshabur, Paul Muller, Shantanu Thakoor, Petar Veličković , Yasaman Bahri, Durk Kingma, Lila Ibrahim, Vishal Maini, Gheorghe Comanici, Hanie Sedghi, Verity Harding, Sean Legassick, John Jumper, Zachary Gleicher, Laurel Wagstaff, Gagan Bansal, Daniel J. Mankowitz, Pushmeet Kohli, Vandana Bachani, Miljan Martic, Pedro A. Ortega, Andrew Lefrancq, Koray Kavukcuoglu, Shane Legg, Mustafa Suleyman, Demis Hassabis, Tom Everitt, Laurent Orseau, Chris Maddison, Victoria Krakovna, Thore Graepel, Nick Bostrom, Jeffrey D. Sachs, Jan Leike, James Manyika, Edward W. Felten, Diane Coyle, Christiana Figueres
Future of Humanity Institute 71 Patrick Butlin, Elise Bohan, Matthew van der Merwe, Janvi Ahuja, Peter Wills, Isaac Friend, Maria Violaris, Joar Skalse, Hannah Klim, Tushant Jha, Sam Clarke, Mrinank Sharma, Karolina Milewicz, Duncan Snidal, Michael Osborne, Jacob Lagerros, Michael Cohen, Jan Brauner, Thomas Orton, Roger Grosse, Lewis Hammond, Carla Zoe Cremer, Michael Montague, David Manheim, Ondrej Bajgar, Gregory Lewis, Ryan Carey, Michael Bonsall, Helen Toner, Tom McGrath, Robin Hanson, Paul Christiano, Jan Leike, Ben Garfinkel, Sören Mindermann, William Saunders, Neal Jean, Girish Sastry, Tamay Besiroglu, David Kristoffersson, Piers Millett, John Salvatier, David Krueger, David Abel, Allan Dafoe, Carrick Flynn, Andrew Snyder-Beattie, Daniel Dewey, Toby Ord, Anders Sandberg, Vincent C. Müller, Stuart Armstrong, Sebastian Farquhar, Seán Ó hÉigeartaigh, Roxanne Heston, Owain Evans, Niel Bowerman, Nick Bostrom, Miles Brundage, Kyle Scott, Katja Grace, Jeffrey Ding, Jade Leung, Eric Drexler, Daniel Filan, Clare Lyle, Christopher Cundy, Chelsea Guo, Cecilia Tilli, Carl Shulman, Baobao Zhang
Future of Life Institute 64 Isabella Hampton, Tim Schreier, Alexandra Tsalidis, Hamza Tariq Chaudhry, Maggie Munro, Ben Eisenpress, Landon Klein, Fazl Barez, Anna Hehir, Claudia Prettner, Akhil Deo, Taylor Jones, Risto Uuk, Andrea Berman, Mark Brakel, Carlos Ignacio Gutierrez, Anna Yelizarova, David E. Nicholson, Emilia Javorsky, Alan Yan, Tucker Davey, Na Li, Jacob Beebe, Yishuai Du, Lucas Perry, Melody Guan, David Stanley, Maxim Kesin, Daniel Dewey, Ariel Conn, Meia Chita-Tegmark, Jaan Tallinn, Anthony Aguirre, Richard Mallah, Ales Flidr, Victoria Krakovna, Jesse Galef, Zara Yaqoob, William Jones, Vera Koroleva, Stuart Russell, Stephen Hawking, Saul Perlmutter, Sandra Faber, Rafael Martinez-Galarza, Peter Haas, Nick Bostrom, Morgan Freeman, Max Tegmark, Martin Rees, Kazue Evans, Janos Kramar, George Church, Frank Wilczek, Francesca Rossi, Eric Gastfriend, Erik Brynjolfsson, Elon Musk, Daniel R. Miller, Christof Koch, Chase Moores, Blake Pierson, Alan Guth, Alan Alda
Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence 47 Kofi Yeboah, Irene Pellegero Querol, Henry Shevlin, Flavia Saxler, Malak Sadek, Niall Donnelly, Toshie Takahashi, Matthijs M. Maas, Haydn Belfield, Rafael A. Calvo, Carla Zoe Cremer, Martina Kunz, Zoubin Ghahramani, Thomas D. Grant, Tameem Adel, Susan Gowans, Stuart Russell, Stephen John, Stephen Cave, Seán Ó hÉigeartaigh, Sarah Dillon, Rune Nyrup, Philip Pettit, Nick Bostrom, Neil Lawrence, Murray Shanahan, Michael A. Osborne, Martin Rees, Marta Halina, Margaret Boden, Manuela M. Veloso, Lucy Cheke, Kay Firth-Butterfield, Karina Vold, Kanta Dihal, José Hernández-Orallo, Huw Price, Heather Roff, Francesca Rossi, Demis Hassabis, David Runciman, Beth Singler, Anna Alexandrova, Andrew Snyder-Beattie, Alison Gopnik, Alan Winfield, Adrian Weller
Center for Applied Rationality 43 Tara Mac Aulay, Maria Eduarda Rodrigues Sampaio, Arsalaan Alam, Kyle Scott, Logan Brienne Strohl, Kathryn Schmiedicke, Xavier Prospero, Brienne Strohl, Dan Keys, Luke Raskopf, Duncan Sabien, Adom Hartell, Tsvi Benson-Tilsen, Timothy Telleen-Lawton, Stephanie Zolayvar, Qiaochu Yuan, Matthew Graves, Jordan Tyrrell, Eric Rogstad, Elizabeth Garrett, Ben Goldhaber, Adam Scholl, Jack Carroll, Eli Tyre, Michael Keenan, Michael Blume, Lauren Lee, Jesse Liptrap, Cat Lavigne, Ben Sancetta, Gina Stuessy, Pete Michaud, Eric Chisholm, Daniel Colson, Davis Kingsley, Michael Smith, Oliver Habryka, Andrew Critch, Leah Libresco, Kenzi Amodei, Julia Galef, Gwern Branwen, Anna Salamon
Effective Altruism Foundation 40 Jia Yuan Loke, Daniel Kokotajlo, Julian Stastny, Jesse Clifton, Hadrien Pouget, Eric Chen, Emery Cooper, Anthony DiGiovanni, Ali Merali, Paul Knott, Mojmír Stehlík, Michael Aird, Alexander Lyzhov, Maxime Riché, Amrit Sidhu-Brar, Linh Chi Nguyen, David Pearce, Daniel Rüthemann, Adrian Hutter, Ulla Wessels, Olle Häggström, Ole Martin Moen, Lucius Caviola, Dina Pomeranz, Brian Tomasik, Anni Leskelä, Stefan Torges, Stefan Klein, Sascha Fink, Sarah Dörpinghaus, Rajshri Jayaraman, Melinda Lohmann, Lukas Gloor, Klaus Wälde, Johannes Treutlein, David Althaus, Thomas Metzinger, Persis Eskander, Ozy Brennan, Max Daniel
Global Catastrophic Risk Institute 35 Dakota Norris, Allan Suresh, Uliana Certan, Kyle L. Evanoff, McKenna Fitzgerald, Oliver Couttolenc, Andrea Owe, Jared Brown, Lena Wang, Jenny Mith, Matthijs Maas, Jessica Cianci, Trevor White, Gary Ackerman, Roman Yampolskiy, Caroline Zaw-Mon, Dave Denkenberger, Robert de Neufville, Arden Rowell, Jianhua Xu, U. Tuncay Alparslan, Steven Umbrello, Jacob Haqq-Misra, Mark Fusco, Kaitlin Butler, Grant Wilson, Tim Maher, Matt Moretto, Kelly Hostetler, Tony Barrett, Seth Baum, Adam Scholl, Marilyn Cotrich, Seán Ó hÉigeartaigh, John Garrick
GoodAI 34 Karolína H., Ryan Camilleri, Jose Solorzano, Alex Angelini, Dominik Čech, Sarka Krejcova, David Castillo, Stephanie Wendler, Reham Bukhari, Šimon Šicko, Lucia Šicková, Nicholas Guttenberg, Viktorie Knezkova, Steffen Eichler, Isabeau Premont-Schwarz, Filip Hauptfleisch, Petr Sramek, Jan Štafa, Christine Lee, Michal Dvořák, Will Millership, Lucie Krestova, Marek Havrda, Jan Feyereisl, Olga Afanasjeva, Martin Poliak, Marek Rosa, Simon Andersson, Přemek Paška, Jaroslav Vitku, Joseph Davidson, Ege Atici, Shantesh Patil, Petr Hlubuček
Center for AI Safety 32 Rebecca Rothwell, Ayush Panda, Isabelle Barrass, Zifan Wang, Matthias Hein, David Bau, Long Phan, Ayham Al-Saffar, Xuwang Yin, Aidan O'Gara, Suryansh Mehta, Corin Katzke, Marc Carauleanu, Max Kaufmann, David Lambert, Sidney Hough, Scott Emmons, Michael Chen, Mantas Mazeika, Kevin Liu, Jun Shern Chan, Dan Hendrycks, Andy Zou, Nathaniel Li, Joshua Clymer, Anders Edson, Alex Pan, Madhav Malhotra, Steven Basart, Rune Kvist, Oliver Zhang, Thomas Woodside
FLOWERS 31 Alvaro Ovalle Castaneda, Florian Golemo, Benjamin Clément, Sébastien Forestier, William Schueller, Cem Karaoguz, Adrien Matricon, Céline Craye, Alexandra Delmas, Gennaro Raiola, Baptiste Busch, Panagiotis Papadakis, Thibaut Munzer, Guillaume Duceux, Louis-Charles Caron, Damien Caselli, Théo Segonds, Stéphanie Noirpoudre, Loïc Dauphin, Matthieu Lapeyre, Nicolas Rabault, Yoan Mollard, Pierre Rouanet, Nicolas Jahier, Didier Roy, Anna-Lisa Vollmer, Freek Stulp, Alexandre Gepperth, David Filliat, Manuel Lopes, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
Ought 29 Adrian Smith, Sarah Park, Luke Stebbing, Charlie George, James Brady, Ian McKenzie, Justin Reppert, Eli Lifland, Amanda Ngo, Aparna Ashok, Jungwon Byun, Neal Jean, Milan Griffes, Girish Sastry, Chris Cundy, Ben Weinstein-Raun, Ben Goldhaber, Andrew Schreiber, Paul Christiano, Ozzie Gooen, Owain Evans, Ben Rachbach, Ben West, Zachary Miller, Zac Kenton, Tom McGrath, Noah Goodman, Ryan Carey, Andreas Stuhlmüller
AI Safety Camp 27 Kristi Uustalu, Sebastian Kosch , Nix Goldowsky-Dill, JJ Hepburn, Cynthia Yoon, Colin Bested, Andrew Player, Tomáš Gavenčiak, Sabrina Kavanagh, Fabian Steuer, David Lindner, Brandon Perry, Tom McGrath, Nandi Schoots, Markus Salmela, Maia Pasek, Linda Linsefors, Karol Kubicki, David Kristoffersson, Remmelt Ellen, Jessica Cooper, Kristina Nemcova, Jirí Nadvorník, Anne Wissemann, Jan Kulveit, Johannes Heidecke, Sai Joseph
Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative 26 Elizabeth Cooper, James Paul Gonzales, Jess Riedel, Andrew Critch, Jan Tallinn, Stuart Russell, Sawyer Bernath, Sofia Davis-Fogel, Alex Flint, Josh Jacobson, Sam Bankman-Fried, Matt Fallshaw, Colleen Gleason, Jeremy Schlatter, Jaan Tallinn, Kyle Scott, Rebecca Raible, Kenzi Amodei, Jacob Tsimerman, Qiaochu Yuan, Eric Rogstad, Seán Ó hÉigeartaigh, Malo Bourgon, Andrew Snyder-Beattie, Michael Keenan, Gina Stuessy
Alignment Research Center 25 Eric Neyman, Rebecca Baron, Rae She, Ted Suzman, Amanda She, Jacob Hilton, Tao Lin, Chris Painter, Quentin Feuillade-Montixi, Megan Kinniment, Luke Miles, Lucas Sato, Haoxing Du, Emma Abele, Brian Goodrich, Hjalmar Wijk, Lawrence Chan, Aryan Bhatt, Timothy Kokotajlo, Josh Jacobson, Elizabeth Barnes, Max Hasin, Mark Xu, Kyle Scott, Paul Christiano
Centre for the Study of Existential Risk 25 Simon Beard, Adrian Weller, Sean Holden, Stephen Hawking, Tim Crane, Max Tegmark, Murray Shanahan, Dana Scott, Stuart Russell, Elon Musk, Alison Gopnik, David Chalmers, Nick Bostrom, Margaret Boden, Ryan Carey, Martina Kunz, Seth Baum, Beth Barnes, Yang Liu, Jaan Tallinn, Martin Rees, Huw Price, Haydn Belfield, Shahar Avin, Seán Ó hÉigeartaigh
Redwood Research 25 Guilhermo Cutrim Costa, Tyler Storlie, Luke Sallmen, Cienna Rominger, Ryan Greenblatt, Noa Nabeshima, Tao Lin, Peter Schmidt-Nielsen, Daniel Ziegler, Aqeel Ali, Ben Weinstein-Raun, Paul Christiano, Owen Cotton-Barratt, Malo Bourgon, Holden Karnofsky, James Bregan, Claire Zabel, Blake Borgeson, Bill Zito, Ajeya Cotra, Adam Scherlis, Seraphina Nix, Royston Noronha, Buck Shlegeris, Nathaniel Thomas
General AI Challenge 24 Tomas Mikolov, Tak Lo, Ryota Kanai, Roman Yampolskiy, Rodolfo Rosini, Pavel Kordik, Ling Ge, Julian Togelius, José Hernández-Orallo, Jan Romportl, Ivan Zelinka, Ayako Fukui, Alison Lowndes, Will Millership, Olga Afanasjeva, Virginia Dignum, Miles Brundage, Marek Rosa, Marek Havrda, Jan Sekerka, Jan Pospíšil, Irakli Beridze, Frank Dignum, Danit Gal
Conjecture 21 Maris Sala, Daniel Braun, Beren Millidge, Jonathan Low, Janko Prester, Carlos Guevara, Caelum Forder, Lee Sharkey, Katrina Joslin, Andrea Miotti, Rachel Stockton, Adam Shimi, Myriame Honnay, Gabriel Alfour, Sid Black, Chris Scammell, Jacob Merizian, Kip Parker, Laria Reynolds, Kyle McDonell, Connor Leahy
AI Impacts 20 Jeffrey Heninger, Aysja Johnson, Zach Stein-Perlman, Harlan Stewart, Ronny Fernandez, Daniel Kokotajlo, Asya Bergal, Ronja Lutz, Richard Korzekwa, Tegan McCaslin, Paul Christiano, Jimmy Rintjema, Ben Hoffman, Justis Mills, Connor Flexman, Finan Adamson, Michael Wulfsohn, John Salvatier, Katja Grace, Stephanie Zolayvar
Stanford University 17 Siddharth Karamcheti, Peter Henderson, Pratyusha Kalluri, Dorsa Sadigh, Stanislav Fort, Cody Coleman, Stefano Ermon, Michael Webb, Percy Liang, Jacob Steinhardt, Noah D. Goodman, Andreas Stuhlmüller, Aditi Raghunathan, Alex Tamkin, Thomas Icard, Ray Briggs, Alex Aiken
Epoch 16 Keith Wynroe, Jenny Xiao, David Atkinson, Daniela Amodei, Ben Cottier, Matthew Barnett, Ege Erdil, Tom Davidson, Tamay Besiroglu, Pablo Villalobos, Neil Thompson, Marius Hobbhahn, Lennart Heim, Jaime Sevilla, Eduardo Infante-Roldán, Anson Ho
Cooperative AI Foundation 15 Natasha Jaques, Rebecca Eddington, David Norman, Cecilia Elena Tilli, Michelle Virgo, Akbir Khan, Vincent Conitzer, Lewis Hammond, Jesse Clifton, Ruairi Donnelly, Gillian Hadfield, Eric Horvitz, Dario Amodei, Allan Dafoe, Amrit Sidhu-Brar
University of California, Berkeley 15 Dan Hendrycks, Max Simchowitz, Andrew Critch, Stuart Russell, Pieter Abbeel, Smitha Milli, Dylan Hadfield-Menell, Anca Dragan, Sergey Levine, Paul Christiano, Michael Janner, Frances Ding, Lydia T. Liu, Qiaochu Yuan, Tom Kalil
Lightcone Infrastructure 13 Robert Mushkatblat, Rafe Kennedy, Jacob Lagerros, Ruben Bloom, Raymond Arnold, Kaj Sotala, Matthew Graves, Harmanas Chopra, Eric Rogstad, Ben Albert Pace, Oliver Habryka, James Babcock, Elizabeth Van Nostrand
Nonlinear Fund 12 Tristan Cook, Daniel del Castillo, Corey Wood, Chris Leong, Peter Barnett, David Moss, Robert Miles, Alex Zhu, Spencer Greenberg, Jonas Vollmer, Emerson Spartz, Kat Woods
University of Oxford 10 Charlie Rogers-Smith, Mrinank Sharma, Allan Dafoe, Ruth Fong, Chris Maddison, Heather Roff, Owain Evans, Aidan Gomez, Nick Bostrom, Michael Wooldridge
Fund for Alignment Research 9 Nora Belrose, Tomasz Korbak, Scott Emmons, Jun Shern Chan, Jérémy Scheurer, Ian McKenzie, Ethan Perez, Claudia Shi, Adam Gleave
Whole Brain Architecture Initiative 9 Koji Morikawa, Hideyuki Nakashima, Hiroyuki Morikawa, Masaru Tomita, Kitano Hiroaki, Kenji Doya, Koichi Takahashi, Yutaka Matsuo, Hiroshi Yamakawa
Road to AI Safety Excellence 8 Remmelt Ellen, Trent Fowler, Erik Istre, Rupert McCallum, Robert Miles, Johannes Heidecke, Veerle de Goederen, Toon Alfrink
7 Joe Collman, Angela P., Anand Srinivasan, Orpheus Lummis, Stag Lynn, Alexander Gietelink Oldenziel, Tegan McCaslin
Australian National University 7 Jan Leike, Marcus Hutter, Jarryd Martin, Gary Lea, Alan Hájek, Elliot Catt, Tom Everitt
Palisade Research 7 Timothee Chauvin, Simon Lermen, Pranav Gade, Kyle Scott, Karina Belokapov, Jeffrey Ladish, Charlie Rogers-Smith
Theiss Research 7 Karina Torres Castro, Rebecca Bone, Rodrigo Duran, Jack Glover, Soraya Bernal, Paul Christiano, Long Ouyang
University of Cambridge 7 Richard Ngo, Adrian Weller, Jose Hernandez-Orallo, Arif Ahmed, Huw Price, Yang Liu, Ramana Kumar
Foundational Research Institute 6 Brian Tomasik, Max Daniel, Caspar Oesterheld, Lukas Gloor, Tobias Baumann, Kaj Sotala
Google Brain 6 Jeremy Nixon, Dan Mané, Dario Amodei, Christopher Olah, Melody Guan, Tom Brown
Association for Long Term Existence and Resilience 5 Vanessa Kosoy, Joshua Fox, Gidon Kadosh, Edo Arad, David Manheim
Carnegie Mellon University 5 Leqi Liu, Noam Brown, David Danks, Manuela Veloso, Andre Platzer
Convergence Analysis 5 Ozzie Gooen, Claire Abu-Assal, Kristian Rönn, Andrew X Stewart, Justin Shovelain
EthicsNet 4 Aleksandra Orchowska, Remco Bloemen, Anish Mohammed, Nell Watson
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4 Joshua Brett Tenenbaum, Jon Gauthier, Julius Adebayo, Andrew Ilyas
Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms 4 Zac Kenton, Doina Precup, Joelle Pineau, Yoshua Bengio
Center for AI Policy 3 Jason Green-Lowe, Thomas Larsen, Jakub Kraus
Centre for Effective Altruism 3 Johannes Treutlein, Ales Flidr, Owen Cotton-Barratt
Cornell University 3 Bart Selman, Jim Babcock, Joseph Halpern
eCortex 3 Randall C. O’Reilly, Seth J. Herd, David J. Jilk
Foresight Institute 3 Christine Peterson, Mark S. Miller, Allison Duettmann
IDSIA 3 Bas R. Steunebrink, Jürgen Schmidhuber, Mark Ring
Open Philanthropy 3 Jacob Steinhardt, Dario Amodei, Paul Christiano
SUPSI 3 Jürgen Schmidhuber, Bas R. Steunebrink, Mark Ring
Università della Svizzera italiana 3 Jürgen Schmidhuber, Bas R. Steunebrink, Mark Ring
University of Toronto 3 Dami Choi, Roger Grosse, Joshua Gans
Yale University 3 Wendell Wallach, Allan Dafoe, Daniel Eth
AIDEUS 2 Sergey Rodionov, Alexey Potapov
Arizona State University 2 Heather Roff, Miles Brundage
Center for a New American Security 2 Gregory C. Allen, Paul Scharre
Center for Human Success 2 Wyatt Tessari, David Yu
Encultured AI 2 Andrew Critch, Nick Hay
Endgame 2 Hyrum Anderson, Bobby Filar
Google 2 Marcello Herreshoff, Vladimir Slepnev
Learning Intelligent Distribution Agent 2 Tamas Madl, Stan Franklin
Linköping University 2 Mikael Böörs, Tobias Wängberg
London School of Economics 2 Katie Steele, Wlodek Rabinowicz
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich 2 Stephan Hartmann, Reuben Stern
Oregon State University 2 Alex Turner, Thomas Dietterich
UCLA School of Law 2 Richard Re, Edward Parson
University College London 2 John Shawe-Taylor, Tobias Baumann
University of Michigan 2 Michael Wellman, James M. Joyce
University of Wisconsin–Madison 2 Reuben Stern, Patrick LaVictoire
Aalto University 1 Jelena Luketina
AgroParisTech 1 Laurent Orseau
AI Challenge 1 David Denkenberger
Aix-Marseille University 1 Sergey Rodionov
American University 1 Thomas Zeitzoff
Bar-Ilan University 1 Ram Rachum
Birkbeck, University of London 1 Ulrike Hahn
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard 1 Gopal Sarma
Brown University 1 David Abel
California Institute of Technology 1 Frederick Eberhardt
Carleton University 1 Andrew MacFie
Center for Analysis & Design of Intelligent Agents 1 Kristinn R. Thórisson
CogPrime 1 Ben Goertzel
Czech Technical University 1 Vojtěch Kovařík
Data61 1 Ramana Kumar
Duke University 1 Vincent Conitzer
Electronic Frontier Foundation 1 Peter Eckersley
ETH Zurich 1 Felix Berkenkamp
George Mason University 1 Robin Hanson
Georgia Institute of Technology 1 Fuxin Li
Global Politics of Artificial Intelligence Research Group at Yale University and University of Oxford 1 Matthijs Maas
Hague Centre for Strategic Studies 1 Matthijs Maas
Harvard University 1 David Parkes
Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines 1 Kristinn R. Thórisson
Information Society Project 1 Rebecca Crootof
INRA 1 Laurent Orseau
Institute for Future Studies 1 H. Orri Stefánsson
Institute for Theoretical Studies at ETH Zurich 1 Will Sawin
Institute of Ethics and Emerging Technologies 1 Steven Umbrello
Internet Archive 1 Brewster Kahle
ITMO University 1 Alexey Potapov
Legal Priorities Project 1 Nick Hollman
Lingnan University 1 Jiji Zhang
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology 1 Vladimir Shakirov
Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy 1 Catrin Campbell-Moore
Nanyang Technological University 1 Preston Greene
NARS 1 Pei Wang
National Bureau of Economic Research 1 Joshua Gans
New America Foundation 1 Heather Roff
New York University 1 Ethan Perez
Nilcons 1 Mihaly Barasz
NNAISENSE 1 Bas R. Steunebrink
Oxford University 1 Joar Skalse
Phenomenological AI Safety Research Institute 1 G Gordon Worley III
Princeton University 1 Will Sawin
Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute 1 Vincent Luczkow
Quixey 1 Patrick LaVictoire
Real AI 1 Jonathan Yan
Rice University 1 Moshe Vardi
Self-Aware Systems 1 Steve Omohundro
Smith College 1 James Miller
Social & Environmental Entrepreneurs 1 Seth Baum
Sorbonne University 1 Michaël Trazzi
Susaro 1 Richard Loosemore
Teesside University 1 The Anh Han
Texas A&M University 1 Kenny Easwaran
The Australian National University 1 Michael Cohen
The Consortium on the Landscape of AI Safety 1 Alexis Carlier
The Future Society 1 Sam Clarke
The New School 1 Peter Asaro
Ulm University 1 ‪Daniel Alexander Braun
Université de Montréal 1 Jelena Luketina
University of Alberta 1 Tor Lattimore
University of Amsterdam 1 Dmitrii Krasheninnikov
University of Arizona 1 Jenann Ismael
University of Bath 1 Joanna Bryson
University of Bristol 1 Benya Fallenstein
University of Colorado 1 Seth Herd
University of Colorado Boulder 1 Randall C. O’Reilly
University of Copenhagen 1 Matthijs Maas
University of Edinburgh 1 Angelo Frank De Bellis
University of Illinois at Chicago 1 Brian Ziebart
University of Louisville 1 Roman Yampolskiy
University of Melbourne 1 Benjamin Rubinstein
University of Montreal 1 Janos Kramar
University of New Hampshire 1 Andrew Ware
University of Padova 1 Francesca Rossi
University of Southern California 1 Stephen J. Read
University of Texas 1 Peter Stone
University of Washington 1 Daniel Weld
Washington University in St. Louis 1 Julia Haas

Individuals not affiliated with any organization

Showing 17 people.

Organization Website Source
Wei Dai [1], [2]
Iceman [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]
Max Harms [8], [7]
Jeff Kaufman [9], [7]
Federico Pistono [10]
Chris Pasek [11], [12]
Sune Kristian Jakobsen
Hilary Greaves [13]
Sophie-Charlotte Fischer [14]
Alexey Turchin [15], [16], [17], [18]
Dustin Juliano [19], [20]
Matteo Turchetta [21]
Angela P. Schoellig [21]
Andreas Krause [21]
Jim O’Neill [22]
Gordon Irlam [23]
John Maxwell [24]


This section lists AI safety-related “products”: interactive tools, websites, flowcharts, datasets, etc. Unlike documents, products tend to be interactive, are updated continually, or require inputs from the consumer.

Showing 33 products.

Name Type Creator Creation date Description
Clarifying some key hypotheses in AI alignment diagram Ben Cottier, Rohin Shah 2019-08-15 A diagram collecting several hypotheses in AI alignment and their relationships to existing research agendas.
AI Alignment Forum blog LessWrong 2.0 2018-07-10 A group blog for discussion of technical aspects of AI alignment. The forum is built using the same software as LessWrong 2.0, and is integrated with LessWrong 2.0. For creation date, see [25].
AI Safety Research Camp workshop Tom McGrath, Remmelt Ellen, Linda Linsefors, Nandi Schoots, David Kristoffersson, Chris Pasek 2018-02-01 A research camp to take place in Gran Canaria in April 2018 and in the United Kingdom in July–August 2018. Facebook group at [26]. The creation date is the date of announcement on LessWrong 2.0.
“Levels of defense” in AI safety flowchart Alexey Turchin 2017-12-12 A flowchart applying multilevel defense to AI safety. There is an accompanying post on LessWrong at [27].
AI Alignment Prize contest Zvi Mowshowitz, Vladimir Slepnev, Paul Christiano 2017-11-03 A prize for work that advances understanding in alignment of smarter-than-human artificial intelligence. Winners for the first round, as well as announcement of the second round, can be found at [24]. Winners for the second round, as well as announcement of the third round, can be found at [28].
AI Watch interactive application Issa Rice 2017-10-23 A website to track people and organizations working on AI safety.
AI Safety Open Discussion discussion group Mati Roy 2017-10-23 A Facebook discussion group about AI safety. This is an open group.
AI safety resources list Victoria Krakovna 2017-10-01 A list of resources for long-term AI safety. Seems to have been first announced at [29].
Map of the AI Safety Community graphic Søren Elverlin 2017-09-26 A pictorial map that lists organizations and individuals in the AI safety community.
Open Philanthropy Project AI Fellows Program fellowship Open Philanthropy 2017-09-12 A fellowship to support PhD students in AI and machine learning. For the creation date, see [30].
LessWrong 2.0 blog LessWrong 2.0 2017-06-18 A community blog about rationality, decision theory, AI, the rationality community, and other topics relevant to AI safety. This is a re-launch/modernization of the original LessWrong. For the launch date, the date of the welcome post [31] is used.
Road to AI Safety Excellence course Toon Alfrink 2017-06-15 A proposed course that is designed to produce AI safety researchers. It used to be called “Accelerating AI Safety Adoption in Academia” and was announced on LessWrong at [32]. The Facebook group was created on 2017-06-30 [33].
Annotated bibliography of recommended materials list Center for Human-Compatible AI 2016-12-01 An annotated and interactive bibliography of AI safety-related course materials, textbooks, videos, papers, etc.
Extinction Risk from Artificial Intelligence blog Michael Cohen 2016-06-01 A series of pages exploring arguments for and against working on AI safety. The creation date is inferred from the URLs of images (example: [34]).
AI Alignment blog Paul Christiano 2016-05-28 Paul Christiano’s blog about AI alignment. Reading Group discussion group Søren Elverlin, Erik B. Jacobsen, Volkan Erdogan 2016-05-24 A weekly reading group covering topics in AI safety.
Cause prioritization app interactive application Michael Dickens, Buck Shlegeris 2016-05-18 An interactive app for quantitative cause prioritization. The app includes a section [35] on AI safety intervention. The creation date is the date of the first commit in the Git repository [36].
Arbital AI alignment domain wiki Arbital, Eliezer Yudkowsky 2016-03-04 A collection of wiki-like pages on topics in AI alignment. The creation date is the date of the launch announcement for Arbital [37]; it’s unclear when the AI alignment domain itself was created.
Introductory resources on AI safety research list Victoria Krakovna 2016-02-28 A list of readings on long-term AI safety. Mirrored at [38]. There is an updated list at [39].
AI Safety Discussion discussion group Victoria Krakovna 2016-02-21 A Facebook discussion group about AI safety. This is a closed group so one needs to request access to see posts.
Reinforce.js implementation of Stuart Armstrong’s toy control problem interactive application Gwern Branwen, FeepingCreature 2016-02-03 A live demo of Stuart Armstrong’s toy control problem [40]. gwern introduced the demo in a LessWrong comment [41].
AI Policies Wiki wiki Gordon Irlam 2015-12-14 A wiki on AI policy. The wiki creation date can be seen in the revision history of the main page [42].
The Control Problem discussion group CyberPersona 2015-08-29 A subreddit about AI safety and control. For the subreddit creation date, see [43].
AGI Failures Modes and Levels map flowchart Alexey Turchin 2015-01-01 A flowchart about failure modes of artificial general intelligence, grouped by the stage of development. There is an accompanying post on LessWrong at [18].
AGI Safety Solutions Map flowchart Alexey Turchin 2015-01-01 A flowchart on potential solutions to AI safety. There is an accompanying post on LessWrong at [44].
Intelligent Agent Foundations Forum discussion group Machine Intelligence Research Institute 2014-11-04 A forum for technical AI safety research. The source code is hosted on GitHub [45]. The timestamp on the introductory post [46] gives the launch date.
A flowchart of AI safety considerations flowchart Eliezer Yudkowsky 2014-11-02 The flowchart was posted to Eliezer Yudkowsky’s Essays (a Facebook group) and has no title.
Effective Altruism Forum blog Centre for Effective Altruism, Rethink Charity, Ryan Carey 2014-09-10 A community blog about effective altruism which often has posts about AI safety. The forum was announced on LessWrong by Ryan Carey [47].
How to study superintelligence strategy list Luke Muehlhauser 2014-07-03 A list of project ideas in superintelligence strategy.
Ordinary Ideas blog Paul Christiano 2011-12-21 Paul Christiano’s blog about “weird AI stuff” [48].
The Uncertain Future interactive application Machine Intelligence Research Institute 2009-10-01 A tool to model future technology and its effect on civilization. For more about the history of the site, see [49].
LessWrong Wiki wiki Machine Intelligence Research Institute 2009-03-12 A companion wiki to the community blog LessWrong. The wiki has pages about AI safety.
LessWrong blog Machine Intelligence Research Institute 2009-02-01 A community blog about rationality, decision theory, AI, updates to MIRI, among other topics.