Information for Google DeepMind

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Basic information

Item Value
Country United Kingdom
Source [1]
Agendas Recursive reward modeling

Positions count by year

Hover over a name to see the position and date range. This table only includes positions where at least the start date is known. The positions count can count the same person multiple times if they held different positions; similarly, the list of staff may include the same person multiple times if they held more than one position during a single year. For each year, a person is included if they were at the organization for any part of the year; this means the actual staff count at any point during the year can be lower (or higher, if some staff held multiple positions in a single year).

Year Positions count Researchers General staff Associates Board members Advisors
2010 3 Demis Hassabis, Mustafa Suleyman, Shane Legg
2011 3 Demis Hassabis, Mustafa Suleyman, Shane Legg
2012 3 Demis Hassabis, Mustafa Suleyman, Shane Legg
2013 3 Demis Hassabis, Mustafa Suleyman, Shane Legg
2014 3 Demis Hassabis, Mustafa Suleyman, Shane Legg
2015 3 Demis Hassabis, Mustafa Suleyman, Shane Legg
2016 5 Pedro A. Ortega Andrew Lefrancq, Demis Hassabis, Mustafa Suleyman, Shane Legg
2017 11 Hanie Sedghi, Pedro A. Ortega Andrew Lefrancq, Andrew Lefrancq, Demis Hassabis, Miljan Martic, Mustafa Suleyman, Sean Legassick, Shane Legg, Verity Harding, Zachary Gleicher
2018 13 Hanie Sedghi, Pedro A. Ortega, Yasaman Bahri Andrew Lefrancq, Demis Hassabis, Lila Ibrahim, Miljan Martic, Mustafa Suleyman, Sean Legassick, Shane Legg, Verity Harding, Vishal Maini, Zachary Gleicher
2019 13 Hanie Sedghi, Pedro A. Ortega, Yasaman Bahri Andrew Lefrancq, Demis Hassabis, Lila Ibrahim, Miljan Martic, Mustafa Suleyman, Sean Legassick, Shane Legg, Verity Harding, Vishal Maini, Zachary Gleicher
2020 15 Andrew Lefrancq, Hanie Sedghi, Pedro A. Ortega, Yasaman Bahri Andrew Lefrancq, Demis Hassabis, Lila Ibrahim, Miljan Martic, Miljan Martic, Mustafa Suleyman, Sean Legassick, Shane Legg, Verity Harding, Vishal Maini, Zachary Gleicher
2021 16 Andrew Lefrancq, Hanie Sedghi, Keerthana Gopalakrishnan, Pedro A. Ortega, Shubham Agrawal, Will Grathwohl, Yasaman Bahri Demis Hassabis, Lila Ibrahim, Miljan Martic, Mustafa Suleyman, Sean Legassick, Shane Legg, Verity Harding, Vishal Maini, Zachary Gleicher
2022 22 Andrew Lefrancq, Hanie Sedghi, Ian Goodfellow, Kavya Kopparapu, Keerthana Gopalakrishnan, Mehdi Jafarnia, Pedro A. Ortega, Sholto Douglas, Shubham Agrawal, Will Grathwohl, Yasaman Bahri Demis Hassabis, Lila Ibrahim, Miljan Martic, Mustafa Suleyman, Nidhi Vyas, Sean Legassick, Shane Legg, Verity Harding, Vishal Maini, Zachary Gleicher, Zachary Gleicher
2023 31 Andrew Lefrancq, Azade Nova, Hanie Sedghi, Ian Goodfellow, Kavya Kopparapu, Keerthana Gopalakrishnan, Mehdi Jafarnia, Pedro A. Ortega, Shixiang Shane Gu, Sholto Douglas, Shubham Agrawal, Stanislav Fort, Thibault Sellam, Will Grathwohl, Will Grathwohl, Yasaman Bahri Andrew Lefrancq, Demis Hassabis, Isabel Leal, Lila Ibrahim, Miljan Martic, Mustafa Suleyman, Nidhi Vyas, Nidhi Vyas, Raphael Hoffmann, Rohan Anil, Sean Legassick, Shane Legg, Verity Harding, Vishal Maini, Zachary Gleicher
2024 28 Azade Nova, Hanie Sedghi, Ian Goodfellow, Kavya Kopparapu, Keerthana Gopalakrishnan, Mehdi Jafarnia, Pedro A. Ortega, Shixiang Shane Gu, Sholto Douglas, Shubham Agrawal, Stanislav Fort, Thibault Sellam, Will Grathwohl, Yasaman Bahri Andrew Lefrancq, Demis Hassabis, Isabel Leal, Lila Ibrahim, Miljan Martic, Mustafa Suleyman, Nidhi Vyas, Raphael Hoffmann, Rohan Anil, Sean Legassick, Shane Legg, Verity Harding, Vishal Maini, Zachary Gleicher

Number of full-time staff at the beginning each year

The following table lists some dates and people who were at the organization on the given date (namely, the start of the year). The table may not list every person who worked for the organization (e.g. they could have joined and left in the middle of a single year). This table excludes associates, interns, advisors, and board members.

Date Staff count Staff
2011-01-01 3 Demis Hassabis, Mustafa Suleyman, Shane Legg
2012-01-01 3 Demis Hassabis, Mustafa Suleyman, Shane Legg
2013-01-01 3 Demis Hassabis, Mustafa Suleyman, Shane Legg
2014-01-01 3 Demis Hassabis, Mustafa Suleyman, Shane Legg
2015-01-01 3 Demis Hassabis, Mustafa Suleyman, Shane Legg
2016-01-01 5 Andrew Lefrancq, Demis Hassabis, Mustafa Suleyman, Pedro A. Ortega, Shane Legg
2017-01-01 5 Andrew Lefrancq, Demis Hassabis, Mustafa Suleyman, Pedro A. Ortega, Shane Legg
2018-01-01 10 Andrew Lefrancq, Demis Hassabis, Hanie Sedghi, Miljan Martic, Mustafa Suleyman, Pedro A. Ortega, Sean Legassick, Shane Legg, Verity Harding, Zachary Gleicher
2019-01-01 13 Andrew Lefrancq, Demis Hassabis, Hanie Sedghi, Lila Ibrahim, Miljan Martic, Mustafa Suleyman, Pedro A. Ortega, Sean Legassick, Shane Legg, Verity Harding, Vishal Maini, Yasaman Bahri, Zachary Gleicher
2020-01-01 13 Andrew Lefrancq, Demis Hassabis, Hanie Sedghi, Lila Ibrahim, Miljan Martic, Mustafa Suleyman, Pedro A. Ortega, Sean Legassick, Shane Legg, Verity Harding, Vishal Maini, Yasaman Bahri, Zachary Gleicher
2021-01-01 13 Andrew Lefrancq, Demis Hassabis, Hanie Sedghi, Lila Ibrahim, Miljan Martic, Mustafa Suleyman, Pedro A. Ortega, Sean Legassick, Shane Legg, Verity Harding, Vishal Maini, Yasaman Bahri, Zachary Gleicher
2022-01-01 16 Andrew Lefrancq, Demis Hassabis, Hanie Sedghi, Keerthana Gopalakrishnan, Lila Ibrahim, Miljan Martic, Mustafa Suleyman, Pedro A. Ortega, Sean Legassick, Shane Legg, Shubham Agrawal, Verity Harding, Vishal Maini, Will Grathwohl, Yasaman Bahri, Zachary Gleicher
2023-01-01 21 Andrew Lefrancq, Demis Hassabis, Hanie Sedghi, Ian Goodfellow, Kavya Kopparapu, Keerthana Gopalakrishnan, Lila Ibrahim, Mehdi Jafarnia, Miljan Martic, Mustafa Suleyman, Nidhi Vyas, Pedro A. Ortega, Sean Legassick, Shane Legg, Sholto Douglas, Shubham Agrawal, Verity Harding, Vishal Maini, Will Grathwohl, Yasaman Bahri, Zachary Gleicher
2024-01-01 27 Azade Nova, Demis Hassabis, Hanie Sedghi, Ian Goodfellow, Isabel Leal, Kavya Kopparapu, Keerthana Gopalakrishnan, Lila Ibrahim, Mehdi Jafarnia, Miljan Martic, Mustafa Suleyman, Nidhi Vyas, Pedro A. Ortega, Raphael Hoffmann, Rohan Anil, Sean Legassick, Shane Legg, Shixiang Shane Gu, Sholto Douglas, Shubham Agrawal, Stanislav Fort, Thibault Sellam, Verity Harding, Vishal Maini, Will Grathwohl, Yasaman Bahri, Zachary Gleicher

Full history of additions and subtractions

This table shows the full change history of positions. Each row corresponds to at least one addition or removal of a position. Additions are in green and subtractions are in red. If a position name changed, it is listed simultaneously as an addition (of the new name) and removal (of the old name) and colored yellow. Additionally there are faded variants of each color for visited links.

Date Number of positions Number of positions added Number of positions removed Positions added Positions removed
12 12 0 Chris Maddison, Christiana Figueres, Diane Coyle, Edward W. Felten, James Manyika, Jan Leike, Jeffrey D. Sachs, Laurent Orseau, Nick Bostrom, Thore Graepel, Tom Everitt, Victoria Krakovna
2010-09-23 15 3 0 Demis Hassabis, Mustafa Suleyman, Shane Legg
2016-01-01 17 2 0 Andrew Lefrancq, Pedro A. Ortega
2017-03-01 18 1 0 Miljan Martic
2017-07-01 19 1 0 Zachary Gleicher
2017-10-04 21 2 0 Sean Legassick, Verity Harding
2017-11-01 22 2 -1 Andrew Lefrancq, Hanie Sedghi Andrew Lefrancq
2018-02-01 23 1 0 Vishal Maini
2018-04-01 24 1 0 Lila Ibrahim
2018-12-01 25 1 0 Yasaman Bahri
2020-04-01 24 0 -1 Andrew Lefrancq
2020-05-01 25 1 0 Andrew Lefrancq
2020-10-01 26 1 0 Miljan Martic
2020-10-31 25 0 -1 Miljan Martic
2021-02-01 26 1 0 Keerthana Gopalakrishnan
2021-09-01 27 1 0 Shubham Agrawal
2021-10-01 28 1 0 Will Grathwohl
2022-06-01 29 1 0 Ian Goodfellow
2022-07-01 30 1 0 Mehdi Jafarnia
2022-08-01 31 1 0 Kavya Kopparapu
2022-09-01 32 1 0 Sholto Douglas
2022-12-01 34 2 0 Nidhi Vyas, Zachary Gleicher
2023-01-01 33 0 -1 Zachary Gleicher
2023-04-01 35 3 -1 Andrew Lefrancq, Azade Nova, Raphael Hoffmann Andrew Lefrancq
2023-06-01 38 3 0 Isabel Leal, Rohan Anil, Thibault Sellam
2023-09-01 39 1 0 Shixiang Shane Gu
2023-10-01 39 2 -2 Nidhi Vyas, Will Grathwohl Nidhi Vyas, Will Grathwohl
2023-11-01 40 1 0 Stanislav Fort

List of people (47 positions)

Person Title Start date End date AI safety relation Subject Employment type Source Notes
Chris Maddison Research Scientist position technical research [2] One of the Open Philanthropy Project 2018 AI Fellows.
Laurent Orseau Research Scientist [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]
Tom Everitt [8]
Pedro A. Ortega Research Scientist 2016-01-01 position technical research full-time [8], [10], [11], [12], [13]
Vishal Maini Strategic Communications Manager 2018-02-01 position popularization [14], [15], [16]
Thore Graepel [17]
Andrew Lefrancq Program Manager 2016-01-01 2020-04-01 [18]
Andrew Lefrancq Senior Program Manager 2017-11-01 2017-11-01 [18]
Andrew Lefrancq Lead Program Manager, AI Research 2020-05-01 2023-04-01 [18]
Andrew Lefrancq Head of International Operations 2023-04-01 full-time [18]
Azade Nova Senior Research Scientist 2023-04-01 full-time [19]
Christiana Figueres DeepMind Ethics & Society Fellow [20]
Demis Hassabis Co-Founder and CEO 2010-09-23 [21], [22], [23]
Diane Coyle DeepMind Ethics & Society Fellow [20]
Edward W. Felten DeepMind Ethics & Society Fellow [20]
Hanie Sedghi Staff Research Scientist 2017-11-01 full-time [24]
Ian Goodfellow Research Scientist 2022-06-01 full-time [25], [26]
Isabel Leal Senior Software Engineer 2023-06-01 [27]
James Manyika DeepMind Ethics & Society Fellow [20]
Jan Leike [28], [8]
Jeffrey D. Sachs DeepMind Ethics & Society Fellow [20]
Kavya Kopparapu Research Engineer 2022-08-01 full-time [29]
Keerthana Gopalakrishnan Senior Research Engineer 2021-02-01 full-time [30]
Lila Ibrahim Chief Operating Officer 2018-04-01 [31]
Mehdi Jafarnia Research Engineer 2022-07-01 full-time [32]
Miljan Martic Reserach Engineer 2017-03-01 2020-10-31 AGI organization [28], [8], [33]
Miljan Martic Senior Reserach Engineer 2020-10-01 AGI organization [28], [8], [33]
Mustafa Suleyman Co-Founder and Head of Applied AI 2010-09-23 [21], [22]
Nick Bostrom DeepMind Ethics & Society Fellow [20]
Nidhi Vyas Product Manager (AI/ML) 2022-12-01 2023-10-01 [34]
Nidhi Vyas Product Manager Lead (Gen AI) 2023-10-01 full-time [34]
Raphael Hoffmann Director of Engineering 2023-04-01 full-time [35]
Rohan Anil Principal Engineer / Director 2023-06-01 full-time [36]
Sean Legassick Head of DeepMind Ethics & Society 2017-10-04 [37], [38]
Shane Legg Co-Founder and Chief Scientist 2010-09-23 [21], [22], [28], [8], [9]
Shixiang Shane Gu Research Scientist 2023-09-01 full-time [39]
Sholto Douglas Research/Software Engineer 2022-09-01 full-time [40]
Shubham Agrawal Research Engineer 2021-09-01 full-time [41]
Stanislav Fort Senior Research Scientist 2023-11-01 full-time [42]
Thibault Sellam Senior Research Scientist 2023-06-01 [43], [44]
Verity Harding Head of DeepMind Ethics & Society 2017-10-04 [37], [38]
Victoria Krakovna Research Scientist [45], [8], [9]
Will Grathwohl Research Scientist 2021-10-01 2023-10-01 [46]
Will Grathwohl Senior Research Scientist 2023-10-01 [46]
Yasaman Bahri Research Scientist 2018-12-01 full-time [47]
Zachary Gleicher Product Manager 2017-07-01 2023-01-01 [48]
Zachary Gleicher Co-lead, Applied Product Manager 2022-12-01 [48]

Products (0 products)

Name Creation date Description

Organization documents (0 documents)

Title Publication date Author Publisher Affected organizations Affected people Document scope Cause area Notes

Documents (2 documents)

Title Publication date Author Publisher Affected organizations Affected people Affected agendas Notes
New safety research agenda: scalable agent alignment via reward modeling 2018-11-20 Victoria Krakovna LessWrong Google DeepMind Jan Leike Recursive reward modeling, iterated amplification Blog post on LessWrong announcing the recursive reward modeling agenda. Some comments in the discussion thread clarify various aspects of the agenda, including its relation to Paul Christiano’s iterated amplification agenda, whether the DeepMind safety team is thinking about the problem of whether the human user is a safe agent, and more details about alternating quantifiers in the analogy to complexity theory. Jan Leike is listed as an affected person for this document because he is the lead author and is mentioned in the blog post, and also because he responds to several questions raised in the comments.
Scalable agent alignment via reward modeling: a research direction 2018-11-19 Jan Leike, David Krueger, Tom Everitt, Miljan Martic, Vishal Maini, Shane Legg arXiv Google DeepMind Recursive reward modeling, Imitation learning, inverse reinforcement learning, Cooperative inverse reinforcement learning, myopic reinforcement learning, iterated amplification, debate This paper introduces the (recursive) reward modeling agenda, discussing its basic outline, challenges, and ways to overcome those challenges. The paper also discusses alternative agendas and their relation to reward modeling.

Similar organizations

Organization Number of people in common List of people in common
Machine Intelligence Research Institute 3 Jan Leike, Nick Bostrom, Victoria Krakovna
University of Oxford 2 Chris Maddison, Nick Bostrom
Australian National University 2 Tom Everitt, Jan Leike
Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence 2 Demis Hassabis, Nick Bostrom
OpenAI 2 Ian Goodfellow, Will Grathwohl
Future of Humanity Institute 2 Jan Leike, Nick Bostrom
Future of Life Institute 2 Nick Bostrom, Victoria Krakovna
AgroParisTech 1 Laurent Orseau
INRA 1 Laurent Orseau
Center for Global Development 1 Jeffrey D. Sachs
Centre for the Study of Existential Risk 1 Nick Bostrom
Stanford University 1 Stanislav Fort