AI Watch

Welcome! This is a website to track people and organizations in the AI safety/alignment/AI existential risk communities. A position or organization being on AI Watch does not indicate an assessment that that position or organization is actually making AI safer or that the position or organization is good for the world in any way. It is mostly a sociological indication that the position or organization is associated with these communities, as well as an indication that the position or organization claims to be working on AI safety or alignment. (There are some plans to eventually introduce such assessments on AI Watch, but for now there are none.) See the code repository for the source code and data of this website.

This website is developed by Issa Rice with data contributions from Sebastian Sanchez, Amana Rice, and Vipul Naik, and has been partially funded by Vipul Naik and Mati Roy (who in July 2023 paid for the time Issa had spent answering people’s questions about AI Watch up until that point).

If you like (or want to like) this website and have money: the current funder is mostly only funding data updates to existing organizations as well as adding data for some new effective altruist organizations. As a result, the site is not getting any new features or improvements in design. If you want to bring this site to the next level, contact Issa at What you get: site improvements, recognition in the site credits. What the site needs: money.

If you have time and want experience building websites: this website is looking for contributors. If you want to help out, contact Issa at What you get: little or no pay (this could change if the site gets funding; see previous paragraph), recognition in the site credits, privilege of working with me, knowledge of the basics of web development (MySQL, PHP, Git). What the site needs: data collection/entry and website code improvements.

Last updated on 2024-06-16; see here for a full list of recent changes.

Table of contents


Agenda name Associated people Associated organizations
Iterated amplification Paul Christiano, Buck Shlegeris, Dario Amodei OpenAI
Embedded agency Eliezer Yudkowsky, Scott Garrabrant, Abram Demski Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Comprehensive AI services Eric Drexler Future of Humanity Institute
Ambitious value learning Stuart Armstrong Future of Humanity Institute
Factored cognition Andreas Stuhlmüller Ought
Recursive reward modeling Jan Leike, David Krueger, Tom Everitt, Miljan Martic, Vishal Maini, Shane Legg Google DeepMind
Debate Paul Christiano OpenAI
Interpretability Christopher Olah
Inverse reinforcement learning
Preference learning
Cooperative inverse reinforcement learning
Imitation learning
Alignment for advanced machine learning systems Jessica Taylor, Eliezer Yudkowsky, Patrick LaVictoire, Andrew Critch Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Learning-theoretic AI alignment Vanessa Kosoy
Counterfactual reasoning Jacob Steinhardt

Positions grouped by person

Showing 0 people with positions.

Name Number of organizations List of organizations

Positions grouped by organization

Showing 5 organizations.

Organization Number of people List of people
OpenAI 332 Yasuyoshi Sakamoto, Evan Weiss, Shuyuan Zhang, Mada Aflak, Laura W., Weiyi Zheng, Uğurcan Türkdoğan, Stewart Hall, Siyuan Fu, Ollie Jaffe, Amber Yore, Kleanthes K., John Rizzo, Tiffany C., Thomas Dimson, Francis Z., Enoch Cheung, Pedram Keyani, Wei An Lee, Ilan Bigio, CJ Minott, Ofir Nachum, Allan J., Will Saborio, Erica T., Eric Rynerson, David Carr, Daniel Kappler, Anton Tananaev, Srinivas Narayanan, Andrei Alexandru, Tina Miranda, Hisham Elhaddad, Brydon Eastman, Ali Kamali, Justin B., David Medina, David Hengky, Tianhao Zheng, Michelle Pokrass, Adam Perelman, Jan Hendrik Kirchner, Hossem Ben Ayed, Cory Decareaux, Mati Roy, Yaniv Markovski, Vishal Kuo, Steven Bills, Akila Welihinda, Jessica Shieh, Eugene Wu, Chester Cho, Adam Nace, Tatiana Zolotova, Sully Chen, Ryan Peterson, Oleg Mürk, Bogo Giertler , Karl Whitford Pollard, Joanne Jang, Zarina Stanik, Chaitra A., Arun Vijayvergiya, Juston Forte, Rob Mallery, Dave Willner, Preston Tuggle, Austin Wiseman, Atqiya Abida Anjum, Angela Jiang, Adam Goldberg, Giambattista Parascandolo, Davit Khachatryan, Rajeev Nayak, Matthew Gentzel, Lama Ahmad, Sarah Shoker, Richard Ngo, Carroll Wainwright, Anna Makanju, Vitchyr Pong, Victor Benito Garcia Rocha, Elie Georges, Angie Luo, Vlad Ursu, Isabel Alves de Lima, Stefanie Biaggi, Rosie Campbell, Lukasz Kaiser, Lisa Dethridge, Johannes H., Sarthak Agrawal, Jason Kwon, Emanuele Marchiori, Radhika Mathur, Kyle Kosic, Tabarak Khan, Natalie Summers, Jesse Han, Ishant Singh, Hannah Wong, Nicolas Norberto Corizzo, Bob Rotsted, Zack Kass, Evan Morikawa, Sinith T., Shawn Jain, Che Chang, Jonathan Gordon, Steven Adler, Lucas Negritto, Tarun Gogineni, Maddie Simens, Tyna Eloundou, Phuong Vu, Philippe Tillet, Bram Adams, Adam Rhodes, Julián Santoro, Theresa Lopez, Fotios Chantzis, Dave Cummings, Mo Bavarian, Joel Lehman, Denny Jin, Raul Puri, Joost Huizinga, Red A., Emy Parparita, Kelly Sims, Tim Yanchen Wang, Arvind Neelakantan, Jeff Clune, Fraser Kelton, Rachel Lim, Jian O., Jacquelyn Lau, Roger Xu Jiang, Aris Konstantinidis, Tao Xu, Gretchen M. Krueger, Girish Sastry, Stanislas Polu, Cullen O"Keefe, Mario Saltarelli, Benjamin Mann, Luke Miller, Ife Riamah, Frances Choi, Long Ouyang, Richard Dunn, Peter Hoeschele, Jerry Tworek, Ilge Akkaya, Nikolas Tezak, Alex Paino, Karson Elmgren, Jonathan Michaux, Yuhao Wan, Janet Brown, Fatma Tarlaci, Elynn Chen, Edgar Barraza, Danny Hernandez, Christina Hendrickson, Maxim Sokolov, Nancy Otero, Bianca Martin, Ben Chess, Katie Mayer, Tom Brown, Qiming Yuan, Mateusz Litwin, Janine Korovesis, Clemens Winter, Amanda Askell, Jacob Hilton, Todor Markov, Ian Atha, Daniela Amodei, Mikhail Pavlov, Lei Zhang, Justin Wang, Jacob Jackson, Taehoon Kim, Maddie Hall, Ingmar Kanitscheider, Gillian Hadfield, Brad Lightcap, Miles Brundage, Michał Staniszewski, Arthur Petron, Matt Mochary, Johannes Otterbach, Yilun Du, Xingyou (Richard) Song, Ifu Aniemeka, Holly Grimm, Hannah Davis, Sophia Arakelyan, Christine McLeavey Payne, Nadja Rhodes, Munashe Shumba, Mira Murati, Karl Cobbe, Joshua Meier, Will Grathwohl, Hanjun Dai, Susan Zhang, Suchir Balaji, Erin Grant, Sam McCandlish, Sadhika Malladi, Michael Petrov, Aravind Srinivas, Louis Cheong, Henrique Ponde de Oliveira Pinto, Thomas Anthony, Peter Zhokhov, Aleksandar Botev, Eric Sigler, Elena Chatziathanasiadou, Diane Yoon, Rewon Child, Manuel Sherbakoff, Glenn Powell, Ryan Carey, Parnian Barekatain, Lilian Weng, Kevin Wong, Kaleo Hao, David Farhi, Remco Zwetsloot, Christy Dennison, Ashley C. Pilipiszyn, Mathew Shrwed, Adam Smets, David Luan, Maciej Chociej, Jonathan Raiman, Jonathan Ward, Phillip Isola, Nikhil Mishra, Bowen Baker, Alex Nichol, Larissa Schiavo, Karthik Narasimhan, Yuping Luo, Joshua Achiam, Jiaming Song, Christos Louizos, Cathy Wu, Brooke Chan, AlShaun Baksh, Aditya Grover, Jason Peng, Yang Liu, Xue Bin Peng, Trapit Bansal, Han Zhang, Dustin Tran, David Lansky, Matthias Plappert, Art Chaidarun, Rein Houthooft, Christopher Berner, Jakub Pachocki, Aleks Kamko, Yaroslav Bulatov, Jonathan Ho, Tim Shi, Erika Reinhardt, Shariq Hashme, Richard Chen, Danielle Buma, Peter Welinder, Bob McGrew, Michael Page, Jeremy Schlatter, Taco Cohen, Szymon Sidor, Jonathan Hernandez, Jack Clark, Harri Edwards, Desmond Henderson, Rachel Fong, Marie La, Louise Cabansay, Tambet Matiisen, Marika Allely, Ludwig Pettersson, Igor Mordatch, Filip Wolski, Catherine Olsson, Zain Shah, Scott Gray, Craig Quiter, Jon Gauthier, Tyler Neylon, Rafał Józefowicz, Pieter Abbeel, Linxi Fan, Kate Miltenberger, Jie Tang, Paul Christiano, Marcin Andrychowicz, Peter Chen, Jim Fan, Tim Salimans, Prafulla Dhariwal, Shivon Zilis, Jonas Schneider, Jeff Arnold, Yuri Burda, Eric Price, Alec Radford, Ian Goodfellow, Chris Clark, Rocky Duan, Trevor Blackwell, Ilya Sutskever, Andrej Karpathy, Wojciech Zaremba, John Schulman, Vicki Cheung, Greg Brockman, Durk Kingma, Matt Krisiloff, Jonathan Gray, Lucy Qin, Javier Gai, Helen Toner
FLOWERS 31 Alvaro Ovalle Castaneda, Florian Golemo, Benjamin Clément, Sébastien Forestier, William Schueller, Cem Karaoguz, Adrien Matricon, Céline Craye, Alexandra Delmas, Gennaro Raiola, Baptiste Busch, Panagiotis Papadakis, Thibaut Munzer, Guillaume Duceux, Louis-Charles Caron, Damien Caselli, Théo Segonds, Stéphanie Noirpoudre, Loïc Dauphin, Matthieu Lapeyre, Nicolas Rabault, Yoan Mollard, Pierre Rouanet, Nicolas Jahier, Didier Roy, Anna-Lisa Vollmer, Freek Stulp, Alexandre Gepperth, David Filliat, Manuel Lopes, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
Whole Brain Architecture Initiative 9 Koji Morikawa, Hideyuki Nakashima, Hiroyuki Morikawa, Masaru Tomita, Kitano Hiroaki, Kenji Doya, Koichi Takahashi, Yutaka Matsuo, Hiroshi Yamakawa
Google Brain 1 Jeremy Nixon
Google DeepMind 1 Miljan Martic